On Sunday, August 4, 2024, we have a New Moon in Leo, a sign known for its bold and joyful energy. New Moons offer a chance to start fresh and set new intentions, which usually begin to show results by the next Full Moon, which will be on August 19, 2024.

This New Moon is especially favorable because it forms positive sextiles with Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini. These aspects bring extra support and enthusiasm for new projects. The sextile with Mars gives you the energy and motivation to take action, while the sextile with Jupiter boosts your optimism and opens doors for growth and opportunities. This is a great time to focus on brainstorming new ideas and pursuing your goals with confidence.

However, be aware that Mercury goes retrograde on the same day. Mercury Retrograde is known for causing communication slowdowns and is best for revisiting and refining past projects rather than starting new ones. Mercury will move direct again on August 28 and be fully clear by September 12. So, while August and early September are perfect for planning and revising, it’s better to launch new projects after September 12, when the energy will be more supportive.

To find out where this New Moon might impact your life, look at 12 degrees of Leo in your astrological chart. Also, check your sun sign and/or rising sign below for more specific guidance.

Aries: The New Moon in Leo energizes your Fifth House of creativity and romance, sparking opportunities for joy and self-expression. With Mars and Jupiter in your Third House of communication and learning, you’ll find added enthusiasm and support for sharing your ideas and pursuing new interests. Use this time to align your creative passions with effective communication and explore activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.

Taurus: The New Moon in Leo lights up your Fourth House of home and family, making it a great time to focus on creating a more joyful and nurturing environment at home. With Mars and Jupiter energizing your Second House of finances and personal values, you’ll find extra motivation to enhance your financial stability and invest in your well-being. Use this supportive energy to harmonize your home life with your personal goals, and take steps to build a secure and fulfilling foundation for yourself.

Gemini: The New Moon in Leo activates your Third House of communication and learning, making it an ideal time to express your creativity and share your ideas with others. With Mars and Jupiter in your sign, the energy is particularly potent, enhancing your personal charisma and ability to connect with those around you. This is a perfect opportunity to continue with your projects, engage in stimulating conversations, and explore new interests that align with your passions.

Cancer: The New Moon in Leo highlights your Second House of finances and personal values, encouraging you to focus on your financial goals and material security. With Mars and Jupiter boosting your Twelfth House of inner growth and reflection, you’ll gain valuable insights and motivation to address any subconscious blocks. Use this period to balance your material pursuits with personal introspection, and take practical steps to secure your financial future.

Leo: The New Moon in your sign lights up your First House of self and personal identity, providing a powerful boost to your confidence and personal goals. With Mars and Jupiter in your Eleventh House of friendships and aspirations, you’ll find extra support and enthusiasm from your social network. This is a great time to set intentions that align with your true self and seek out connections that help you achieve your dreams.

Virgo: The New Moon in Leo energizes your Twelfth House of introspection and spirituality, making it a great time to focus on your inner growth and healing. With Mars and Jupiter activating your Tenth House of career and public life, you’ll find motivation to pursue new professional opportunities and enhance your public image. Use this period to balance personal reflection with career ambitions, and set intentions that align with your long-term goals.

Libra: The New Moon in Leo highlights your Eleventh House of friendships and future aspirations, making it an ideal time to connect with like-minded individuals and pursue group goals. With Mars and Jupiter in your Ninth House of higher learning and travel, you’ll gain inspiration and enthusiasm for exploring new horizons and expanding your knowledge. This supportive energy helps you align your social connections with your broader ambitions and dreams.

Scorpio: The New Moon in Leo activates your Tenth House of career and public life, giving you a boost in pursuing your professional goals and enhancing your reputation. With Mars and Jupiter in your Eighth House of transformation and shared resources, you’ll find motivation to address financial partnerships and personal growth. Use this dynamic energy to advance your career while also focusing on deeper, transformative changes in your life.

Sagittarius: The New Moon in Leo highlights your Ninth House of higher learning, travel, and personal growth, making it a great time to expand your horizons and explore new opportunities. With Mars and Jupiter energizing your Seventh House of partnerships and relationships, you’ll gain extra support and enthusiasm for collaborating with others and pursuing shared goals. Use this period to align your personal growth with meaningful connections and partnership goals.

Capricorn: The New Moon in Leo energizes your Eighth House of transformation and shared resources, encouraging you to focus on deep personal changes and financial matters. With Mars and Jupiter boosting your Sixth House of work and daily routines, you’ll find motivation to improve your work environment and health routines. Use this supportive energy to tackle important financial issues while also enhancing your daily life and well-being.

Aquarius: The New Moon in Leo activates your Seventh House of partnerships and relationships, making it an ideal time to focus on enhancing your personal connections and collaborative efforts. With Mars and Jupiter in your Fifth House of creativity and pleasure, you’ll find inspiration and enthusiasm for pursuing joyful activities and creative projects with your partners. Use this period to strengthen your relationships while embracing your creative passions.

Pisces: The New Moon in Leo highlights your Sixth House of work and daily routines, providing a boost to improve your health, productivity, and organization. With Mars and Jupiter energizing your Fourth House of home and family, you’ll find motivation to create a more supportive and harmonious home environment. Use this dynamic energy to balance your work and personal life, and set intentions that enhance both your daily routines and home life.

Looking for personal insight? Dive deeper into what Summer and Fall 2024 has in store for you, and book a psychic-astrology reading. Whether you’re seeking guidance on love, career, personal growth, or navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of this year, a tailored reading can provide you with the clarity and direction that counts! Don’t forget – I’m also available for regular coaching and parties via Zoom or in person in the Los Angeles area. Drop me a line via email or fill out the form below with any questions!

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