CAPRICORN BLUE (FULL) MOON: Castle Doors and Cosmic Windows

As we approach the powerful Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment of completion and new beginnings. This “Blue Moon” at 29° Capricorn marks the end of a cycle and the mastery of important soul lessons. With its conjunction to Pluto in Aquarius, this lunation urges us to release what no longer serves us and embrace innovative solutions for the future.

The Full Moon’s aspects to Neptune, Uranus, and Chiron add layers of intuition, sudden inspiration, and healing to this cosmic event. We’re called to balance our practical ambitions with our emotional needs, while remaining open to unexpected opportunities and insights.

As we navigate these energies, Venus in Leo forms a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in Gemini, infusing our experiences with joy, creativity, and expanded social connections. The following horoscopes offer guidance on how these cosmic energies may manifest in each sign’s life. Remember, the specific effects will depend on your entire natal chart, but these insights can provide a general roadmap for the coming lunar cycle.

The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your 10th house of career and public image, Aries. You may experience a significant professional milestone or a shift in your career direction. With Pluto involved, expect profound transformations in your public role or ambitions. Venus in your creativity sector forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your communication house, bringing joy to self-expression and learning. This blend of energies suggests that while focusing on career goals, don’t neglect personal passions — they might unexpectedly align with professional opportunities. Balance your ambitions with creativity and self-expression for best results.

The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your 9th house of higher learning and expansion, Taurus. You might complete a course of study, gain insight from a spiritual journey, or finalize plans for travel or education. Venus in your home sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your finance house, suggesting potential for beautifying your living space or finding joy in family matters, possibly with financial benefits. Balance your quest for knowledge with attention to your personal life and resources.

For you, Gemini, the Full Moon activates your 8th house of shared resources and transformation. You may reach a turning point in a financial matter or deep emotional issue. With Venus in your communication sector sextile Jupiter in your sign, your words carry extra charm and influence. This is an excellent time for important conversations, negotiations, or creative writing. Use your enhanced communication skills to navigate any intense emotions or financial decisions.

The Full Moon lights up your 7th house of partnerships, Cancer. A significant relationship may reach a turning point or culmination. With Pluto involved, expect profound transformations in how you relate to others. Venus in your finance sector forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your subconscious realm, potentially bringing unexpected financial opportunities or a deeper understanding of your values. Balance your focus on relationships with self-care and personal growth.

This Full Moon illuminates your 6th house of work and health, Leo. You might complete a major work project or reach a health-related goal. Venus in your sign sextile Jupiter in your social sector brings charm and expansion to your personal interactions. Your natural charisma is amplified, making it an excellent time for networking, socializing, or joining group activities. Balance your attention to daily routines with enjoyable social connections.

The Capricorn Full Moon activates your 5th house of creativity and romance, Virgo. A creative project may come to fruition, or a romantic situation might reach a significant milestone. Venus in your spiritual sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your career house, suggesting that following your intuition could lead to professional opportunities. Balance your creative or romantic pursuits with attention to your inner life and career aspirations.

For you, Libra, the Full Moon illuminates your 4th house of home and family. You might experience a significant event or realization related to your living situation or family dynamics. Venus in your social sector forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your expansion zone, bringing joyful connections with friends and opportunities for personal growth. Balance your focus on home matters with social activities and pursuit of new experiences.

The Full Moon activates your 3rd house of communication and local environment, Scorpio. You might finalize an important writing project or reach a significant understanding with siblings or neighbors. Venus in your career sector sextile Jupiter in your shared resources house suggests potential for professional recognition and financial gain. Balance your focus on communication and local matters with attention to your career and collaborative ventures.

This Full Moon lights up your 2nd house of finances and values, Sagittarius. You may reach a financial milestone or gain clarity about your personal values. Venus in your expansion sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your partnership house, bringing opportunities for growth through relationships or travel. Balance your focus on material concerns with pursuit of new experiences and meaningful connections.

The Full Moon is in your sign, Capricorn, activating your 1st house of self and identity. This is a powerful time for personal realizations and transformation. Venus in your shared resources sector forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in your daily work zone, potentially bringing financial or emotional support that enhances your work life. Balance your personal growth with attention to collaborative efforts and daily routines.

For you, Aquarius, the Full Moon illuminates your 12th house of the subconscious and spiritual matters. You might gain profound insights or complete a period of reflection or healing. Venus in your partnership sector sextile Jupiter in your creativity zone brings harmony to relationships and sparks joy in creative pursuits. Balance your inner work with attention to relationships and self-expression.

The Full Moon activates your 11th house of friendships and long-term goals, Pisces. You might see a friendship evolve or a long-held dream come to fruition. Venus in your daily work sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your home zone, bringing potential for both job satisfaction and domestic bliss. Balance your focus on social connections and future plans with attention to your daily routines and home life.

Looking for personal insight? Dive deeper into what Summer and Fall 2024 has in store for you, and book a psychic-astrology reading. Whether you’re seeking guidance on love, career, personal growth, or navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of this year, a tailored reading can provide you with the clarity and direction that counts! Don’t forget – I’m also available for regular coaching and parties via Zoom or in person in the Los Angeles area. Drop me a line via email or fill out the form below with any questions!

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