A Full Moon marks the peak of the lunar cycle, illuminating the night sky and highlighting what needs our attention. It’s a powerful time for completion, letting go, and making space for new beginnings. This is the moment to wrap up old projects, release what no longer serves you, and prepare for fresh starts.

On August 19, the Full Moon will be in Aquarius at 2:25 a.m. Eastern Time. Here’s how to make the most of this transformative energy:

  • Completion & Reflection: This Full Moon invites you to reflect on what you’ve achieved and what needs to be wrapped up. It’s a great time to finish old projects and clear out what’s no longer relevant in your life.

  • Embrace Change: Aquarius encourages innovation and progress. Use this energy to let go of outdated beliefs or habits, and make space for new, exciting possibilities. Embrace your unique qualities and be open to new ways of thinking.

  • Handle Surprises: With Uranus creating some tension, you might experience unexpected changes or disruptions. Stay flexible and manage your stress to navigate these surprises effectively.

  • Careful Communication: Mercury in retrograde suggests revisiting past conversations or decisions. Be mindful of what you say and avoid making hasty commitments. It’s a good time for re-evaluating and adjusting your plans.

  • Balancing Pressures: A T-Square involving Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus adds extra intensity. You may feel pressure or confusion in relationships and personal matters. Stay adaptable and manage your expectations as things evolve.

Use this Full Moon to finish what needs to be completed, let go of what’s holding you back, and make room for new beginnings. Embrace the changes and allow yourself to move forward with clarity and confidence.

To understand how this Full Moon may impact you, locate where 27 degrees of Aquarius falls in your astrology chart. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries (March 21 — April 19)

The Full Moon in your 11th House shines a light on your social circles and community goals, presenting a chance to complete collaborative projects and solidify connections. Unexpected changes in your financial situation or values, highlighted by Uranus in your 2nd House, could open up new opportunities for innovative resource management. Meanwhile, Mercury Retrograde in your 5th House invites you to revisit and refine past creative ventures or romantic interests, offering a fresh perspective and potential for renewed inspiration.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

The Full Moon in your 10th House of career and public image highlights the completion of professional goals and the achievement of key milestones. Unexpected changes in your immediate environment or daily routines, emphasized by Uranus in your 1st House, could lead to new and innovative ways of presenting yourself. Mercury Retrograde in your 4th House invites you to reassess past family dynamics or home projects, providing an opportunity to make meaningful adjustments and improvements.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

With the Full Moon in your 9th House of travel and higher education, it’s a prime time to complete long-term learning goals or finalize travel plans. Uranus in your 12th House may bring unexpected insights or shifts in your subconscious, prompting you to embrace new perspectives on personal growth. Mercury Retrograde in your 3rd House encourages you to revisit and refine past communications or learning experiences, offering a chance to clear up misunderstandings and gain deeper understanding.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22)

The Full Moon in your 8th House of transformation and shared resources marks a key moment to complete financial dealings or resolve deep-seated issues. Uranus in your 11th House could bring sudden changes in your social connections or group dynamics, revealing new opportunities for collaboration. Mercury Retrograde in your 2nd House prompts you to reassess past financial decisions or values, potentially leading to beneficial revisions or new strategies for managing resources.

Leo (July 23 — August 22)

This Full Moon in your 7th House of partnerships and relationships signals a time to finalize agreements or resolve conflicts with significant others. Uranus in your 10th House may bring unexpected shifts in your career or public image, presenting new opportunities for advancement. Mercury Retrograde in your 1st House invites you to revisit and refine personal goals and self-expression, offering a chance to adjust your approach and improve your personal branding.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

The Full Moon in your 6th House of work and health highlights the completion of projects or health goals. Uranus in your 9th House may bring unexpected insights or changes in your beliefs or educational pursuits, providing new opportunities for growth. Mercury Retrograde in your 12th House encourages you to revisit past subconscious patterns or private matters, offering a chance to clear old mental blocks and achieve personal healing.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

With the Full Moon in your 5th House of creativity and romance, it’s a great time to complete creative projects or resolve matters in your love life. Uranus in your 8th House may lead to sudden changes in shared resources or intimate relationships, opening up new opportunities for transformation. Mercury Retrograde in your 11th House invites you to reassess past social connections or group goals, offering a chance to reconnect and refine your network.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

The Full Moon in your 4th House of home and family highlights the completion of domestic projects or resolution of family issues. Uranus in your 7th House may bring unexpected changes in your partnerships or one-on-one relationships, offering new perspectives and opportunities for collaboration. Mercury Retrograde in your 10th House encourages you to revisit past career goals or public image concerns, providing a chance to make strategic adjustments and refine your professional path.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21)

This Full Moon in your 3rd House of communication and learning signals a time to finalize projects related to education or local activities. Uranus in your 6th House may bring unexpected changes in your work environment or daily routines, presenting new opportunities for improvement. Mercury Retrograde in your 9th House invites you to reassess past beliefs or travel plans, offering a chance to clear up misunderstandings and gain new insights.

Capricorn (December 22 — January 19)

The Full Moon in your 2nd House of finances and values highlights the completion of financial goals or the resolution of money matters. Uranus in your 5th House may bring unexpected changes in your creative pursuits or romantic life, revealing new opportunities for self-expression. Mercury Retrograde in your 8th House encourages you to revisit past financial dealings or intimate issues, offering a chance to refine strategies and address lingering concerns.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18)

This Full Moon in your 1st House of self and identity marks a powerful time for completing personal goals or making significant changes to your image. Uranus in your 4th House may bring unexpected shifts in your home or family life, providing new opportunities for growth and change. Mercury Retrograde in your 7th House invites you to reassess past relationships or partnerships, offering a chance to revisit and refine your approach to connecting with others.

Pisces (February 19 — March 20)

The Full Moon in your 12th House of introspection and endings signals a time to complete personal reflection or resolve hidden issues. Uranus in your 3rd House may bring unexpected changes in your communication or local environment, opening up new avenues for learning and interaction. Mercury Retrograde in your 6th House encourages you to revisit past work projects or health routines, offering a chance to make meaningful adjustments and improvements.

Looking for personal insight? Dive deeper into what Summer and Fall 2024 has in store for you, and book a psychic-astrology reading. Whether you’re seeking guidance on love, career, personal growth, or navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of this year, a tailored reading can provide you with the clarity and direction that counts! Don’t forget – I’m also available for regular coaching and parties via Zoom or in person in the Los Angeles area. Drop me a line via email or fill out the form below with any questions!

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