Make the Hills Come Alive! Super Full Moon in Virgo


On February 19, 2019, we have the biggest and brightest moon of the year — a Super Full Moon in the sign of Virgo! Supermoons occur when the moon looms much closer to the Earth than usual. Like all Full Moons, the Sun in its opposite sign offers an opportunity to link our conscious and subconscious minds, which is key to creating our preferred reality. This phenomenal Luna cycle is a powerful time to make things happen! And like everything, it all starts in the mind…

When the conscious and subconscious are aligned, life works out quite well. Should there be a discrepancy between what we consciously want and what we subconsciously believe we can have, however, there’s strife and frustration. All battles are within ourselves, though we tend to think it’s external people, places and things that create our conditions. Thus, it’s important to consciously give our subconscious mind directives that coincide with our wishes, for only what we believe can we achieve.

The concept of our beliefs creating our reality is a major theme this Full Moon in Virgo on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. With the Sun in dreamy, idealistic Pisces and the Moon in hardworking, down-to-earth Virgo, we can put the two together to create reality. The key is to see what you want from the perspective of having it. You can create reality with the feeling that the reality you desire exists. You can believe what you want into being. You can make the hills come alive with the sound of music. But you have to feel the song in your heart and persist in playing it on repeat. You have to trust the power of that song as you proceed in a practical fashion en route to your goals. If you’re lacking in belief and this is not possible now, check out this blog post on how you can change your beliefs and make your desired reality more realizable.

In essence, this Full Moon is about making moves to get you where you want to go. But set the atmosphere first. Don’t just look toward where you want to go, look from the perspective of where you want to be. Believe you’re on your way there, and commit to action that proves you believe it. In doing this, you create reality. Even if your actions don’t directly get you the results you desire, it doesn’t matter — your results will be delivered in some other fashion; it’s the action that creates energy that you’re going for. Just be general about your desire — don’t say you want a specific job, person, house — say instead you want a job with happy co-workers, a partner who adores you, a house with bay windows etc. Always go for the feeling you want to achieve, creating a “template” that the universe will fill in with the most compatible, appropriate means. Take lots of action based on your new belief and enjoy the process. Virgo is extremely process-oriented, so if you can focus on the process and enjoy it, you’ll achieve results faster.

To find out which life area the Full Moon in Virgo will activate and how you can make the most of it, see which house 0 degrees of Virgo falls in your astrological chart. Likewise, read your sign and/or rising sign below.

ARIES: The past two weeks probably had you thinking about your greatest hopes, dreams, wishes and goals. In fact, you may have achieved a level of clarity on your ideals, if not some tangible results that prove your power! Now that the Full Moon in Virgo is transiting your Sixth House of Lifestyle, it’ll be important to consider how your day-to-day supports your big dreams. Is there something you do on a regular basis that’s thwarting your progress? If there’s anything in the way of keeping you from feeling your very best, you can use these next two weeks to let it go. Further, when you think about your big dreams, consider your lifestyle: For instance, if you want to have it all — love, career, family — does the way you budget your time and energy support this? If not, now’s the time to think about what you can do (and not do) daily to give your big dreams feet! This is a great time to release bad habits, and start a new regimen of health and wellness with the right diet, exercise regimen, and mindfulness habits you need to succeed. Further, this transit may also have to do with work: If you’re feeling as if you need a reboot in your job, start the process of psychologically moving away from what you’re doing now. Consider what kind of job/work situation would make you happy, and execute a plan to make it happen. Most important during this transit is to move away from what’s not working, so you can move freely toward what will. You’re well on your way to an amazing year, so release or repair any weak links so your life is operating like a well-oiled machine.

TAURUS: Over the past two weeks, you’ve probably been focused on your professional life and have made some strides in your career. Now, you’re about to balance this out with some FUN! As the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Fifth House of Pleasure, you can still go after your professional ambitions, but in a much more enjoyable way! This Full Moon is washing away blocks to experiencing joy, fun, laughter and love. Over the next two weeks, work on igniting that spark within that blazes when you’re doing things you really love. Consider what you need now to experience ecstatic joy in your life: Is it a romance that sweeps you off your feet? Is it good times with friends and family? Or is it a creative project that you’re over-the-moon excited about? Whatever makes you feel free and alive like a little kid inside, do it! This two-week transit is about letting go of anything heavy, as you move in the direction of things that make you feel good. Remember, everything is magical when you see it with your heart — and that now is the name of your game!

GEMINI: You probably expanded in some capacity over the past two weeks, as the New Moon transited your Ninth House of the Higher Mind. Perhaps you learned some really cool stuff or shared your message with the world. Now, as the Full Moon transits your Fourth House of Home and Family, it’s time to get back to basics: Over the next two weeks, your objective is to strengthen your self-trust and sense of emotional security. To this end, work on giving yourself 100% unconditional love and acceptance. In doing so, you will allow yourself to be loved just because you’re you. Work on releasing the notion that you have to do or be something in order to be special. Being you is enough. When you know this, others will appreciate you for being you. To acclimate to this concept, make life more comfortable and cozy for yourself over the next 14 days. Sleep in, book a spa day or massage, binge watch your favorite shows — anything to nurture yourself. You want to create a surplus of love energy around you, some of which you will then give to the world. The next New Moon in March will jump-start your career goals, so use this time now to get really rooted in your self-love, which will allow you to climb great heights.

CANCER: You probably had to do some letting go over the past two weeks, as the New Moon transited your Eighth House of Rebirth. As you continue the process of freeing yourself up, you’ll get to refine your daily interactions as the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Third House of Communications. There’s bound to be a lot of buzz over the next two weeks: Phone calls, emails, errands to run, socializing and more. Wrap up as much as possible now, as you’ll enjoy a much more adventurous phase in March. While you’re managing your schedule, consider how your daily activities may benefit from some adjusting. Perhaps you’ll want to rest more often at home after work or — just the opposite — will want to be more social. Whatever the case, you’re now poised to perceive what’s working and what’s not in your daily life. Although this transit concerns your interactions with others, it’s very much also about the communications you have with yourself. Pay attention to your inner dialogue: if you notice your thoughts sometimes veer to the negative or that you’re quick to criticize yourself, this is the perfect time to release any disparaging self-talk. Be self-disciplined in keeping self-praise top of mind. Since you’re such spry, ready-to-go sign, making sure your body feels great (rest, massage, good diet and exercise) will help you jump on impromptu invitations and unexpected opportunities without missing a beat!

LEO: Partnerships were likely the focus over the past two weeks, the ones you have and the ones you’re wishing for! Now, as the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Second House of Self-Worth, it’s about taking a step back, noticing your value and what you bring to the table. In the world, the value we bring to the lives of others is often measured by how much money we make. By focusing on your self-worth and self-expression, you will be poised to provide more value to the world, which will increase your income. Over the next two weeks, let go of anything that’s undermining your self-worth and keeping you from expressing yourself. Pay extra close attention to your throat — your self-worth center — and ensure it feels good; if not, release any anger in a healthy way, maybe by talking or writing a letter that you don’t have to send. Another shortcut to high self-worth and a thriving bank balance is sensuality; use this transit to work out any kinks in your body — book a massage or take some hot baths. By releasing any physical tension, you’ll allow the universe to flow through you more easily. With divine energy flowing through you more, you’ll reap the physical and financial benefits that you deserve.

VIRGO: Over the past two weeks, you’ve likely been focusing on work and health, and the time is still ripe for reinvigorating these areas of your life. Soon, you’ll be well on your way to experiencing the right combination of things that make you feel well and happy. As the Full Moon transits your First House of Identity now, the universe is conspiring to help you start fresh and new, releasing anything that’s no longer for your highest good. Think about how you want to feel over the next several months, and consider what adjustments may be needed. This First House transit is very much about your self-image, which dictates so much of what we get in life: If you see yourself as someone who could be be madly in love, networthing over a million, feeling amazing physically, etc., you’re already half way there. These next two weeks are great for releasing self-perceived limitations; counter every negative thought with a positive one that asserts, “Yes, I will!” Every moment we get to decide who we are, so don’t be afraid to say goodbye to a version of yourself that you’ve outgrown. Motion creates the self, so when you have an idea of who you want to be, just start acting like it. You’re a cardinal, initiating sign, and you have the Full Moon on your side to release anything old now, so that nothing’s holding you back. Feel fresh, alive and free, as that’s how you’ll create the most abundance in 2019, for yourself, others and the world at large. Remember, the greatest gift you can give to anyone is your own happiness.

LIBRA: Hopefully you’ve really been enjoying yourself over the past two weeks, as the New Moon transited your Fifth House of Pleasure. There’s more fun to be had and more joy to experience, so stay tuned! But if there’s any way you can give yourself some downtime now, you’ll be serving yourself well: This week’s Full Moon in Virgo will transit your Twelfth House of the Subconscious; thus, the next two weeks is ideal for reflective, quiet time. Since in life we get what we subconsciously believe we deserve and are worthy of, make use of the next two weeks by entertaining only the most empowering thoughts. What would be even better is spending some time listening to subliminal hypnosis recordings, meditating, saying affirmations, and visualizing what you want your life to look like over the next several months. Shortcut success by getting excited about the life you want to live, and conjure up and sustain the feeling that it’s already happened. Bask in all the glory that you deserve and work your plan!

SCORPIO: Your attention has likely been put toward personal matters over the past two weeks, like home, family, and emotional security. As a result, you probably have achieved a stronger feeling of being at home within the self. With this deeper sense of inner security, you’re in the perfect position to make the best use of the Full Moon in Virgo, which will highlight your Eleventh House of Hopes, Dreams, and Ideals. Over the next two weeks, you’ll be able to remove blocks and self-limiting beliefs that keep you from achieving your greatest desires. “Removing blocks” could be as simple as taking action, which proves to the universe your commitment to your ideals. Additionally, since Full Moons are about letting go, you may decide that certain dreams don’t appeal to you any longer, so it’ll be a matter of letting old dreams go so new ones can materialize. Further, the Eleventh House also pertains to your friends and community — those people who help you achieve your aims. You may have found your tribe and will be inspired and supported by their collective energy. If you haven’t found your people yet, consider walking away from those groups that are not you. By making space in your life for the right people, places and things, you’ll be able to gain the most from the next several months.

SAGITTARIUS: The last two weeks were probably busy for you, as the new moon transited your Third House of Communication. You probably clarified how you can best spend your mental energy, and engaged in more empowering self-talk. Now, as the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Tenth House of Career, the emphasis for the next two weeks will be on your professional life. Since the Full Moon is great for releasing energy no longer needed, it may be helpful to figure out what you don’t want professionally for yourself, which will inform what you do want. If you have an idea of what you want to achieve career-wise, you can make some great strides over the next two weeks. Keep in mind that the spotlight is on you and your work over the next two weeks; if you want to level up, this is the time to do so because people are watching! Remember that oftentimes careers are made on “no’s” not “yes’es,” so be discriminating in what you agree to. Finally, your legacy need not be isolated to just your professional endeavors; you might make your incredibly strong contribution as a spouse, parent, good friend, or philanthropist. However you decide to make your mark, if you follow your heart you’ll live on in the hearts of others and create a legacy that lasts forever.

CAPRICORN: Over the past two weeks, you’ve probably been flowing more in your self-expression, which has resulted in more abundance in your life. The theme of expressing yourself continues, as the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Ninth House of Expansion. Over the next two weeks, you’ll have an opportunity to widen your worldview and broaden your horizons. You may experience “itchy feet,” wanting to get away from the ordinary and experience more of what life has to offer. If you have the opportunity to get away, that’d be grand! Maybe a trip to foreign shores is what the doctor orders now, or something else that broadens your horizons. Perhaps you’ll decide to learn more about philosophy, spirituality, or anything that helps you perceive life’s limitless potential. In getting a better idea of what exists “out there,” you’ll gain insight into how you might help the universe. In this vein, you may decide to share your perspective with a wide audience, perhaps by publishing or broadcasting your work. Most important over this two-week transit is walking away from limiting circumstances; you’ll want to experience the world as vast, and allow others to experience YOU as vast, too. Whether you use this transit to see different things, learn different things, or teach others different things, you can expect to feel freer and BIGGER than you had before.

AQUARIUS: Hope you had the happiest birthday in the history of birthdays, Aquarius! Your new year is ripe with lots of amazing opportunities with the planet of luck, Jupiter, transiting your house of hopes, dreams, wishes and ideals! The past two weeks were probably very eye-opening, you having gained a better understanding of who you are and who you want to become (which are the same thing, really). Now, as the Full Moon in Virgo flows through your Eighth House of Rebirth, you’re called to put your money where your mouth is: In light of your new identity, what needs to change? Over the next two weeks, you’ll better understand where you need to set boundaries; conversely, you may discover where you need to dissolve boundaries and join forces with other people or entities. The question you’ll be figuring out is where you end and others begin. When you combine your resources with others’ resources, you can either be made stronger or weaker. So, essentially, this transit is about judgment calls: Are you stronger with this person, place or thing in your life? If so, stay; if not, go. Or maybe it’s a matter of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but making adjustments to these relationships so they’re more beneficial and less draining for you. This can be an intense, transformative time; stay flexible, go with the flow, and let go. Remember that change is the only stability, and that in moving on from what no longer serves you, you are creating space for the ecstatic experiences that will make this year one for the books!

PISCES: Over the past two weeks, you may have come to some really cool conclusions about where you are now, where you want to go, and what you need to do to get there. You may have also gained a better understanding of how you need to think in order to achieve the results you desire. Now that you’ve gone through this contemplative time, as the Full Moon in Virgo transits your Seventh House of Partnerships, you may be clearer on what you need from a partner. If you’re already hitched, these next two weeks are great for deepening your relationship by rising above pettiness and focusing on the love that really matters. If you’re dissatisfied relationship-wise, now’s the time to “trouble-shoot” your relationship and make adjustments with your partner for more love and understanding. If you’re not in a romantic relationship and you want to be, use the next two weeks to release anything that might be keeping love at bay. Do you believe you could be in a mutually loving relationship? Are you prepared to create the space for a healthy relationship to thrive? If you find the reality of your current situation is at odds with your ideal, this is the perfect time to make adjustments. Remember to consider all of your partnerships, not just romantic ones. This is a great opportunity to strengthen, trouble-shoot or let go of any partnerships you have. The Full Moon cycle is very much about letting go of what no longer matters, so your year is bursting with abundance, full of what has heart and meaning!

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