Taking Aim - New Moon in Sagittarius

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Last month (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) the Sun in Scorpio gave us an intense period. We felt things to the Nth degree and got a powerful understanding of where we stand emotionally in the different areas of our lives. 

Since last Friday, Nov. 23, the Sun entered Sagittarius to brighten up our days. More sparky and fiery than Scorpio, Sagittarius has the ability to see life from a higher vantage point. Now that we’re not so caught up in our feelings, we can actually take aim to get what we want. Though our objectives may or may not be crystal clear, with the Sun in Sagittarius now, we’re pretty sure about how we want to feel. 

In fact, knowing how you want to feel is key to manifesting the best outcome. By looking at objectives simply as feeling states desired, we have a better chance of bringing the most ideal scenarios into reality. How many times have we wanted a relationship but got one that didn’t feel good? Or wanted more money, only to achieve at too much of a price? By choosing the feeling state desired (e.g., feeling loved, cherished, safe, rich, luxurious, free, etc.) in any life area, the universe can deliver the most compatible scenarios that result in the feeling states desired.  

This Sagittarius New Moon, therefore, is great for deciding what emotions you want to experience in the different areas of your life. To this end, spend some time thinking about what you want and why you want it — i.e., how you expect it will make you feel. Then practice feeling that way. Pretend and play make believe that it’s already happened, and you’ll start broadcasting to the universe a new signal. It’s wise to aim for new emotional experiences, as the only reason we want anything is because we believe we’ll feel better in the having of it. 

To find out how the Sagittarius New Moon will affect you — i.e., the life area queued up for a new emotional experience — check to see where 4 degrees of Sagittarius falls in your astrological chart. Likewise, read your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: The Sagittarius New Moon will transit your Ninth House of the Higher Mind. Consider your ideal feelings when it comes to expanding and adventure! This is the time to allow your spirit to soar across the universe! You are likely to have “itchy feet,” craving something fresh, new and unfamiliar for a reboot. During this time, you’ll want to identity with life itself — perhaps by being larger than it! One way to do this is to publish, broadcast or somehow share your perspective with the world, so you can experience your presence everywhere. With the world having access to you, by reading your work or hearing you speak, for instance, you experience yourself as the world — truly infinite. Another way you can use this transit is to literally go across the world, by planning a trip to a far-off place that’s unfamiliar. Additionally, you can experience expansion by broadening your horizons right where you are: reading new literature or experiencing new art can transport you to a different world, just as learning philosophy and developing your spirituality can really widen your perspective. Consider what you want to experience this over the next 30 days, as well as how you’d like the world to experience you. Gift yourself permission to be limitlessness and create the ultimate vision for 2020. 

Taurus: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Eighth House which covers intimacy, shared resources and power; consider how you want to feel in these areas. Indeed, these are intense topics, which spell out C-H-A-N-G-E. Since change is the only constant, change is stability; that’s what the next 30 days is about for you. Do you want a brand new life? Or just some minor changes to the one you have now? The point of this transit is empowerment through transformation. Often, such a transit relates to boundaries: which ones will you set and which ones will you dissolve. Make the decision based on how you feel: if your resources combined with someone or something else empowers you, stay; if your joint resources with someone or something else disempowers you, leave. Or maybe there’s just adjustments needed with some lines drawn in sand. In any case, you can expect change over the next 30 days. Often an 8th House transit is about having to let go of what we have so that we can have more. What might you release to make room for your heart’s deepest desire? As you seek this answer, stay in your gratitude, stay in flow, be flexible and gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission to let go — sometimes we get what we didn’t even know we needed, so relax and let the universe deliver. Anything can be yours, so long as there’s enough room for it to enter.

Gemini: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Seventh House of Partnerships. Consider how you want your relationships to make you feel. Over the next 30 days, you’ll have a great opportunity to strengthen the partnerships you’re in, or find some new ones that will help make you stronger. Whether you want empowering personal or professional partners now, the universe is queued up to deliver, waiting for you to be ready. Over Mercury’s retrograde for the past few weeks, you may have had some glitches in communication, which had you scratching your head about your level of fulfillment. Now that Mercury is direct, you’re given the green light to make things right: Have those important talks that will allow your relationships to flourish; mend fences if you feel a partnership is salvageable and worth another go. If you want to attract into your life personal and professional partners who really suit you, make a list of all the qualities you want, and start your search! Additionally, some great strides can be made with this transit if you spend some time in the shoes of others in your life: Consider what they need and how you can help. Focusing on the energy you’re bringing to any relationship is the best way to empower the union.

Cancer: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Sixth House of Lifestyle. Consider how you want your day-to-day life to feel — the emotional trajectory you want to experience every day. This transit is typically about “health” and “work” — what we do day in and day out. With the New Moon transiting this area of your chart, you’re in the perfect position to really improve your daily goings-on. If it’s a new job you think would make life easier, consider what would make you happy and take action over the next two weeks. If your current job could use some changes, implementing those now is also likely to be successful. Additionally, you may want to direct your attention to how you feel physically, using the new moon’s energy for more vitality and better health. This transit is ideal for starting a new exercise routine and/or diet so you feel as perfect as possible. Essentially, you can use the next 30 days to get your life running like a well-oiled machine. Figure out the combination of things that would make you well and happy: What work would you do, how would your body feel, what recreational activities would restore your spirit on regular basis? With the right balance of things in place, you’ll find everything supports everything else. A game-night with friends on Wednesday, for instance, can lead to a magnificent Thursday at work; a great morning workout can give you the mental sharpness you need for a presentation, etc. Everything is all connected, so start implementing into your day-to-day those things that make your heart sing.

Leo: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Fifth House of Pleasure! This is the house that rules your sign, Leo, encapsulating everything you really love: romance, good times, creative endeavors and children if you have any. Consider what will make you feel joy and light you up — and go there! Over the next few weeks, you’ll likely feel really creative and ready to laugh and have fun. What will make your heart happy, Leo? Your heart is your superpower, and the more steps you take to make it feel good, the better everything will be. Once you have an idea of what will make you feel ecstatic, go out and get it! Mercury is now direct and the next two weeks are perfect for manifesting love, romance, good times, and whatever else brings a smile across your face. If the past several months have been tumultuous, know the universe sometimes needs to shake us up in order to set things right. Use the next two weeks to reignite your spark—your joy is the path.

Virgo: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Fourth House of Home and Family. Now’s the time to find your “happy place” inside yourself; consider what you want to feel emotionally for deeper happiness. Though this transit can pertain to your actual home and family, your true “home” you take around with you wherever you go. Thus, take some time to rest and nest over the next two weeks, really nurturing yourself. Once you feel good, consider what might make you feel even more comfy and cozy: Is it a new home or simply a new comforter and pillows? Do you want to deepen your connections with friends and family, or find some new people with whom you can relate? Every relationship you have starts with the relationship you have with yourself, so start there! Soothe yourself and find your inner peace, and everything else will fall into place. Further, when it comes to “security,” a relevant topic during this transit, realize that insecure feelings are about the fear of collapse. You can’t get true security from money or a job; there are plenty of rich and gainfully employed people who are insecure. Vitality brings security, for when you have high energy, there’s no fear of collapse. Thus, do whatever you can to rest, exercise and eat right so you can express the life within you as fully as possible. With living out loud and focus, there’s nothing you can’t do. 

Libra: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Third House of Communication, so consider how you want your thoughts to feel. This is an interesting concept — thinking about how you want your thoughts to feel. In doing so, you’ll notice your thoughts start to feel better. This is important, because what you think affects how you feel, and how you feel creates your emotions (energy in motion) which creates your reality — so it’s worth a think! Now that Mercury is direct, communications across the board in fact should run much more smoothly. It will be especially busy for you over the next 30 days, though, with work stuff and festivities! Do what you can to feel certain situations out: If attending an event feels like a bad idea, it probably is. Likewise, since communications will be aplenty, allow yourself to differentiate between what deserves your time and attention and what does not. Communications can also be made more efficient during this time: be clear with what you say and make sure people are clear with you; you can really strengthen your communication skills and develop a better rapport with others. Remember, the most important person you communicate with is yourself, so make sure you’re focusing your thoughts on what you want more than what you do not! Further, make sure your self-talk is empowering, as the way you talk to yourself is what the universe hears and helps determine your lot in life. Make your inner voice your most supportive, inspiring friend ever, and you’ll experience more abundance this holiday season and in the new year.

Scorpio: The New Moon in Sagittarius will transit your Second House of Self-Worth and Finance. This is the perfect transit to create more abundance in your life, so consider what you want in terms of abundance and how you want that to make you feel. Abundance is a flow. To achieve physical evidence of the abundance in your life, keep your energy flowing. You Scorpios have a leg up when it comes to creating wealth. That’s because your planetary ruler, Pluto, is the god of wealth. By keeping your feet firmly on the ground (being practical, taking actionable steps toward abundance) you naturally tap into all of the riches that are beneath the earth’s surface (gold, diamonds, minerals). The trick is to allow the rich energy of the earth to flow up from your feet, throughout your whole body, and through your throat chakra — the energy center of self-expression. Thus, by feeling good and allowing the earth’s energy to flow through your self-expression, you tap into the natural flow of abundance. The more you naturally flow with your energy, the more easily abundance will manifest. Gratitude is the energy most conducive to this flow. Be grateful for your gifts, your life, and your experience, and you’ll flow and achieve even more abundance this holiday and into the new year.

Sagittarius: Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! The big aim now, as the New Moon transits your First House of Identity, is to determine how you want to feel about yourself. We are all constantly changing; we have no “set” personality. At every moment, we get to decide who we are which is simply feeling a certain way. Over the next two weeks, you’ll get an opportunity to tap into new feelings about yourself — what you can be, do, or have. Consider what you want out of life, and start cultivating within yourself the feelings associated with having it. (Once you start cultivating new feelings and beliefs, you’ll get new impulses — act on them!) Everything in your life comes from your self-image. If you feel fulfilled, feel fulfilled, and take action from that state of fulfillment, more fulfillment will come. Do this for anything you want. For more money, love, security, etc. feel that it’s already there and you’ll tap into it. Since the First House rules not only your perception but your physical body, take measures to feel better physically. Motion creates the self, so you can get comfortable with your new feelings while working out, listening to inspiring tunes. Using workout time to visualize your goals is a great way to maximize the benefits of this transit! Think about your holiday, your new year: How do you want to feel differently than before? Wishing you the happiest birthday ever, Sagittarius!

Capricorn: The Sagittarius New Moon will transit your Twelfth House of the Subconscious. Consider how you want to feel on a subconscious level about yourself. We’re talking about your super deep beliefs about who you are. This is an important transit as you gear up for your next birthday year! Since in life we get what we subconsciously believe we are, this is the perfect time to empower your inner dialogue. That’s what the universe hears — your inner conversations with yourself. Though holiday season is upon us, take time to meditate, rest, and turn inward over the next two weeks. Dial into how you want your life to be in 2020. Say you want your new year to be exhilarating and joyful across the board in terms of health, relationships, career, finance etc. It starts now! Tap into the feelings you want to experience. Maybe you want to feel really loved, vindicated, on top of the world. The subconscious can’t differentiate between what’s being imagined and what’s actually happening. And when there’s a dichotomy between what’s believed to be true and what’s actually happened, the subconscious cannot rest until it makes the two coincide; thus, you’ll move through life from that space of fulfillment and take the inspired, actionable steps that will get you what you desire. Indeed, action creates results, but if you can take some time over the next two weeks to empower your mind, you’ll get results faster. Try it: Convince yourself that what you want has already materialized (on some level). This will shortcut all your manifestations. This takes discipline, but really, who has more discipline than you, Capricorn?!

Aquarius: The Sagittarius New Moon will transit your Eleventh House of Hopes, Dreams, Wishes and Friends! Consider how you want to feel about where you’re going in life and with whom! Over the next two weeks, take time to consider your greatest hopes, dreams, wishes and ideals. The 11th House is the house of “why not?” Why not achieve your lofty aims? It’s time to look at the limitless sky and give yourself the freedom to claim it as yours. Since we can’t imagine non-existence, anything you can imagine must exist somewhere, right?! So give yourself permission to go after your big dreams. Help along the way will be your friends or groups of like-minded people also inspired about life and all it has to offer. Put yourself out there and find people with whom you can relate. Spend time with friends you can support and can support you. Once you believe your greatest hopes, dreams and wishes are possible, prove to the universe that you believe by taking the actionable steps to make what you want happen. Even if some endeavor you pursue doesn’t directly yield the results you desire, remember that the energy you put forth doesn’t just evaporate — it’s put toward your end-game in a way unbeknownst to you. Do everything you can to stay clear over the next 30 days, keeping up with diet, exercise, and rest so the universe can easily run through you to help you manifest your dreams.

Pisces: The Sagittarius New Moon will transit your Tenth House of Career! Consider how you want to feel about your status or place in the world. Over the past month with Mercury’s retrograde, you may have re-learned some lessons or have realized how far you’ve come. Remember that mistakes can be your greatest teacher, and can bring you further than you would have gone before. With more understanding now about how you want to be perceived by your public and what you want to achieve professionally, you’re in an advantageous position to make stuff happen. Whether you want to kick ass at the job you’re in now, start a different one, or embark on a new, exciting career path, the next 30 days is the time to make it happen! As a Pisces, if you can balance the imaginative with the practical, there’s nothing you can’t create. Perceive in your mind the end result you desire and pretend that it’s already happened; then, take action based on the belief that it’s already happened and that you’re just “going through the motions” to show how it’s done. Prove you believe that it’s going to happen by the actionable steps you take. Your key phrase, Pisces, is “I believe,” and combined with practical action, that’s all you have to do to reach the top.

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