Such Great Heights: New Moon in Libra

The New Moon in Libra on September 28, 2019 gives us a fresh start in partnerships. And also an opportunity for a fuller life experience.

Venus will harmoniously sextile Jupiter this new moon. Sextiles are flirty aspects; they don’t actually connect but have chemistry and acknowledge the spark. The two planets harmonizing like this tempt us with expansion through love and love through expansion. Libran themes of beauty, harmony, balance, refinement and justice still prevail, but our curiosity for growth and the unknown is too tantalizing to ignore.

As the cool breeze of autumn clears anything that’s not really thriving, relationships now may change or end. Organically and swiftly, we may find ourselves with more space. Without the insulation of the familiar, we might start to feel cooler along with the weather.

But Venus sweetens the bitter and Jupiter warms it. Their configuration this new moon can make magic happen: Love and expansion, winking at each other across the dark sky.

As above, so below…

If you’re in a relationship, you may expand with your mate. Maybe you’ll travel or take up a course of study together. Maybe you’ll start a family. Maybe you’ll go into business and your work will reach all four corners of the world.

If not with your partner, you may want to expand with someone else now. This doesn’t mean an affair, necessarily; it could be like going on an amusement ride with another who wants to as well.

If you’re looking for a relationship now — and arguably it’s the best time to do so — you may opt for someone with whom you can really grow. Having completely different worldviews might make it the freshest match.

Your backgrounds and interests may parallel, or in some ways they will but in other ways they won’t. It doesn’t matter: so long as you’re able to expand together, these autumn winds will propel you to where you’ve never been before.

To find out which area of your chart will be activated by the New Moon in Libra, check to see where 5 degrees of Libra falls in your astrological chart. Likewise, read your sign and/or rising sign below.

ARIES: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 7th House of Partnerships. This will open up a six-month window of opportunity to strengthen the partnerships you’re in, and also find ones that make you even stronger. With Venus transiting your 7th House until October 8, you now have the ability to really layer on the charm and convince people to your way of thinking. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 8th House; financial gains may come through a partnership. This will also be a good time to address any emotionally-charged topics. As Jupiter transits your 9th House through December 2, doors will open that widen your world: Publishing, teaching, learning, and foreign affairs are lucky areas, so don’t sweat the small stuff — get out there, see the world, show ’em what you got!

TAURUS: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 6th House of Lifestyle, which involves health and work. Feeling as perfect as possible is the goal, so it’s a great time to start a new diet, exercise regimen or wellness practice. With Venus also transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, you should experience an easy go of it on the work front, with people appreciating your efforts more than usual. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your partnerships; during this time, you’ll be quite the diplomat and open to relationships more than usual. Jupiter, transiting your 8th House until December 2, will benefit areas of joint finances, shared resources, loans, taxes, sexuality, intimacy, healing, and personal transformation. You’ll gain from dropping the dead wood, letting go, and experiencing a rebirth.

GEMINI: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 5th House of Pleasure, activating things you really love, like romance, your children if you have any, and creative projects. Over the next six months, gain by thinking less and living more! With Venus transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, be prepared for true love and romance! Make sure you know what you want and put yourself out there to get it! Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 6th House of Work and Health. You’re likely to get more accolades at work, and finding the right diet and exercise regimen is easier. Lucky Jupiter will be in your 7th House of Partnerships until December 2: If you’re looking for a spouse, business partner, or more popularity with the public, you’re in for a treat. Solidifying key partnerships is probable!

CANCER: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 4th House of Emotional Security, helping you feel warm, safe, secure and nurtured. Over the next six months, you’ll have a chance to feel more emotionally secure; use the next two weeks for extra self-care, getting in touch with your feelings and needs. Venus will also be transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, so take some time to beautify your home and make it more comfortable. If you’ve been wanting to mend fences with loved ones, now’s the time. From Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 5th House of Pleasure: Your powers of attraction will be through the roof, and flings could be a lot of fun. Jupiter, transiting your 6th House of Work and Health until Dec. 2, gives you a leg up on finding an ideal work situation and/or exercise and diet regimen.

LEO: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 3rd House of Communications. You have great mental prowess now that will help you develop a great rapport with others. Over the next two weeks, learn something new, start game-changing conversations, and develop the plans you need to succeed. Venus will also be activating this area of your chart until Oct. 8, helping you reap benefits through your siblings, communications and short trips. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 4th House of Home and Family: If you’re looking to move, redecorate or deepen connections, that’s the best time. As Jupiter, planet of luck, continues to light up your 5th House of Pleasure until Dec. 2, expect a rise in popularity. In romance you’re very lucky; just look closely when choosing a long-term partner.

VIRGO: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 2nd House of Self-Worth and Finance, helping you increase your self-worth and prosperity over the next six months. Taking extra care of your body and feeling really good will help your financial endeavors. With Venus transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, you can get the ball rolling in setting up comfort for yourself on all fronts. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will bless your 3rd House: Expect benefits through siblings, communications, or short trips. Jupiter, planet of luck, will continue to transit your 4th House until Dec. 2. If you’ve been thinking about moving, odds are good you’ll find the perfect new home. Familial relationships during this time can also go well, which will help your to feel more nurtured, at peace and emotionally secure.

LIBRA: Happy Birthday, Libra! The New Moon in Libra will transit your 1st House of Identity! This is a huge opportunity to decide who you want to be and what reality you wish to experience. Get in touch with what excites you, as this is your higher mind leading you to your purpose and happiness. Venus is also in your sign until Oct. 8, so aesthetic procedures, beautification, and shopping for clothes that look amazing are all favored now. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 2nd House of Finances. Money matters should go well, just don’t let your bank roll burn a hole in your pocket! Jupiter, planet of luck, will continue to transit your 3rd House until Dec. 2, so be on the lookout for educational and communication opportunities. Using your brain differently now will benefit you on all fronts.

SCORPIO: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 12th House of the Subconscious, giving you six months to exchange self-limiting beliefs for empowering ones. For the next 14 days, take time to nest and rest. With less noise around you, you can meditate, visualize, and plant the seeds in your subconscious which will sprout if nurtured. Venus will be blessing this area of your chart until Oct. 8, so a secret love affair is more likely. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 1st House, as she will be in Scorpio! Romantic matters and pleasure-seeking activities will go very well. Jupiter, planet of luck, will continue to transit your 2nd House of Money until Dec. 2, helping to increase your income: Make moves for more money (ask for a raise, get a new job, start a side hustle, etc.). Wear sky blue and use your voice.

SAGITTARIUS: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 11th House of Hopes, Friends and Community. Ask yourself, “Why not?” Why shouldn’t you get whatever you want? The sky is the limit. Over the next six months, friends and community can give you the ideas and inspiration to make your dreams a reality. Venus will also be activating this area of your chart until Oct. 8, so you may find romance among a group of friends or like-minded people. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 12th House: A secret affair is very possible around this time! Time alone to restore yourself is also favored. Jupiter, planet of luck, is in your sign until Dec. 2. Being the celestial favorite gives you more luck than usual. Go for the shiniest apples on the tree! You’ll be seen as larger than life, so go for leadership opportunities if inclined!

CAPRICORN: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 10th House of Status. A great time for business goals and strategy, this New Moon is for climbing up the mountain! You’re likely to be called on for more responsibility, so take care of yourself so you can bring your A-game. Venus is also highlighting career until Oct. 8; not only is professional advancement likely, but romance and friendships may be just a cubical away! Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 11th House: Your friendships and community are what will make you most happy during this time. Jupiter, in your 12th House until Dec. 2, calls for a respite. Your subconscious is your superpower now, so visualize, meditate, and focus on the goal — consider how you’d feel if you had already achieved it. Don’t give yourself the luxury of a negative thought.

AQUARIUS: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 9th House of Expansion. You may have itchy feet, ready to experience new realms. Use the energy of the new moon to explore and expand! Perhaps visit another part of the world, or disseminate your knowledge by publishing, broadcasting or teaching. With Venus also transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, you may find yourself attracted to somebody you wouldn’t have previously considered or somebody whose background is very different from your own. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 10th House of Status. VIPs will love you, so schmoozing for a higher salary or position is a good idea. Jupiter, transiting your 11th House of Hopes, Dreams and Friends until Dec. 2, makes it easier to achieve your goals; enjoy the blessings now of community and friends.

PISCES: The New Moon in Libra will transit your 8th House of Rebirth. This New Moon, you’re tasked with clearing your space of anything that’s not relevant to the reality you want to experience. Release what no longer serves you, and tap into a new energetic field that matches your preferred reality. With Venus transiting this area of your chart until Oct. 8, you can more easily smooth over issues involving intimacy, power, and shared resources. Then, from Oct. 8 until Nov. 1, Venus will be blessing your 9th House: You’re likely to be attracted to those of different backgrounds or people that don’t normally light you up. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter is transiting the career sector your chart until Dec. 2; if you want a rise in status with increased public recognition and success, start making your plans under this new moon!

If interested in gaining more insight into how the current astrological influences will affect you, book a reading today!

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