Just hours before Santa takes off with his reindeer, we have a Super New Moon in Capricorn (12/23/22 5:16am ET). Strategic, savvy, and ambitious, the goat of the zodiac likes its ducks in a row; it also likes to climb things. To do both, there needs to be structure! Structure, which is ruled by Capricorn, is key to success this new moon: What structures can we put into place to help us live stronger, healthier, and happier lives?

With shock-happy Uranus having been jostling around in Taurus, the sign of values, since 2018, our priorities may have shifted or are shifting. Without realizing it, we could be “going through the motions” without giving enough thought to what we want to invest in. We must listen closely to our inner voice and ask ourselves what we value most NOW, and what structures can we put into place for value fulfillment, i.e., What ducks do we want in a row?

The good news is that there’s space! For the first time in 248 years, destructive Pluto dipped into Capricorn in January 2008, breaking down our structures. Except for a six-month retrograde period back into Sagittarius, Pluto has been deconstructing, destroying, and transforming our structures in Capricorn since November 2008. Now, with this Super New Moon in Capricorn, it’s time to build new structures, fortify the ones we’re committed to, and/or decide which new ones to build.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (derived from Latin seminare which meansto sow”) and thus this new moon highlights themes of karma and consequences — common-sense cause and effect). What we reap, we shall sow. This new moon, it’ll be helpful to put systems and structures in place so we’re efficient and know exactly what we’re doing; Capricorn doesn’t leave much to chance. We need to have the ability to say ‘no’ to ourselves now in favor of what we can gain later in the future, as Capricorn rules long-term goals. With such guidelines and guardrails in place, we stay on track in applying our energies. To Capricorn, this is common sense: The form of our lives must serve the function and vise versa to build something useful and practical. There must be limits, there must be timelines. If it weren’t for self-discipline and some helpful system within which to operate, what would Capricorn achieve, anyway? Ironically, we gain freedom when we take responsibility.

Aspect-wise, the Super New Moon will form a square with Jupiter in Aries. A square is a tense aspect and calls for change — for something to happen. Do everything you can do to be extra loving, caring, and kind to everyone over the next two weeks. Give the present of patience. Give love to people you hate. Bend a little. Mars is retrograde; therefore, we’re not in an advantageous position to start fights. Let others shoot their mouths off; you don’t have to pay the checks their asses can’t cash. Though Jupiter in Aries very much likes to be a child, with the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, being an adult is sure to take you a long way.

Capricorn is about achieving something that is valuable and useful; this starts with creating structures, systems, boundaries, and restrictions to ensure a job well done. This doesn’t have to be cold, stern, and inflexible; it can be about dedication, love, and caring (if we take a note from Capricorn’s opposite sign, Cancer). But the energy must be given. To determine which area of your life is ripe for new energy, see where 1 degree of Capricorn falls in your astrological chart; likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

I hear you’re up for MVP? That’s the word on the street as the Capricorn New Moon holds court in your 10th House of Status. There’s a lot to be gained now with a strategic, structured, and common-sense approach. Consider your long-term goals and what structures and strategies to put in place for achieving them. Capricorn doesn’t leave anything to chance: What are you going to ensure happens? Lucky Jupiter just re-entered your sign, so you’re hot stuff into May ‘23. Feel good and stay clear to make the most of this luck with wise decision-making!

YOU have itchy feet, Taurus? That’s what the stars are saying, as the Super New Moon in Capricorn journeys through your 9th House of Expansion. This is a time to grow: Take a class, go on a trip abroad, write a book, start a podcast— do something that makes you think in a fresh way, and create a structure around it. Jupiter just reentered the privacy sector of your chart to bless your subconscious mind. While it’s good to broaden your horizons, you may need some extra downtime up until May. Learn more about the subconscious, dreams, healing, meditation, etc.

Other people’s stuff. That’s where you’re getting your ducks in a row this new moon. This 8th House transit is about what you get from the people in your life, from assets to aggravation. It’s about where you share and do not share; whom you share with, for how much, and for how long. Share with an eye toward the future! This transit is about boundaries — dissolving them in some cases, creating them in others. Lucky Jupiter reentered your House of Friends and Aspirations; your social circle is likely to expand, and your big goals are more likely to materialize into May ’23.

Move in a little closer, baby,” Mama Cass once sang. You may be too as the Super Moon transit your 7th House of Partnerships. This is the new moon to set the stage for a new beginning in your personal and professional relationships. There’s no need to go fast; Mars is retrograde, and Mercury retrogrades next week, so consider your options. Though relationships are important now, lucky Jupiter recently reentered your 10th House of Status, blessing your career sector into May ‘23. Set concrete goals, as Jupiter will help you bounce up the ranks.

Did you make your bed? Not to be a nag, but the Super New Moon in Capricorn is transiting your 6th House where these things matter. This new moon will help you create new daily systems and processes for well-being and success. Consider what can you do regularly to help you create your best life? Lucky Jupiter has reentered your House of Exploration, blessing you with adventure! If there’s anything you want to be, see, or do — especially if it involves travel, learning, publishing, or broadcast — take a leap of faith now into May. 

The scene is set for good times, laughter, creativity, and romance, as the New Moon transits your 5th House of Fun and Pleasure. Don’t waste a single moment not being happy if you can help it. Whether it’s your work, a hobby, or romance, enjoy it full-tilt, as pleasure and enjoyment is the name of your game now. Lucky Jupiter reentered your 8th House of Others’ Resources, amplifying what you get from the people in your life, from gifts and bequeathments, to their traumas and family. Consider where you need to set and/or dissolve boundaries with an eye toward the future.

You’re ready to cuddle up in the cozy chair with the Super New Moon in Capricorn transiting your 4th House of Emotional Wellness. This is the time to feel at peace within the self and content in your surroundings. If you’re looking for a new home, create a vision board to align with your ideals. This is also an ideal transit to spend time with your family of choice or origin. Your long-term relations are blessed into May, with Jupiter having reentered your partnership sector. Relationships can go to the next level and the right partners can be realized. You can afford to settle for more.

Baby, it’s all in your mind, as the New Moon transits your 3rd House of Communications. The thoughts you think determine the emotions you experience. Your emotions, as you know, are very powerful — so the more positive emotions you experience, the more positive experiences abound! This is a great time to decide to think more thoughts that feel good! Likewise, it’s ideal now to stimulate your mind — take a class, socialize, journal, etc. Lucky Jupiter has reentered your 6th House of Lifestyle, helping you to create better health, better work, and an all-around better lifestyle.

The Super New Moon in Capricorn will transit your 2nd House of Finances, helping you create a prosperous start to the new year. If you have ideas about a side hustle, a new job, or how to otherwise monetize your skills, draft a plan. This transit also pertains to your values, talents, and abilities, so maximizing them will lead to higher self-worth and increased wealth. Jupiter, planet of luck and fortune, has reentered your House of Pleasure, amplifying good times, romance, and creativity. Release your inner teenager into May; believe it or not, that’ll help you achieve your goals. 

With the new moon in your sign, it’s time to decide who you want to be. Motion creates the self, so decide to enjoy folding clothes, decide to enjoy public speaking, etc. Make the decision of who you want to be and stick to the script. Lucky Jupiter has reentered your 4th House of Emotional Security, so you can more easily CHOOSE the emotions you want to experience. Those people, places, and things that make you feel most happy, safe, and secure will be more realizable and accessible now. Wouldn’t it be funny if feeling good were key to success all along? Nurture what you care about and get into the flow of things going your way.

Hello?! Is anybody home? It’s OK: Lala land is EXACTLY where you ought to be this Capricorn New Moon, which is transiting your 12th House of the Subconscious. You’ll be using the next two weeks to process the past six months; you can do this by sleeping more, dreaming more, creating art, resting, journaling, etc. Jupiter recently reentered your House of Communications, so there will be plenty of time for socializing, working, thinking, talking, etc. into May. Get your subconscious mind straightened out now, i.e., see yourself doing what you say you want to do.

Theoretically, if you can imagine something, it must exist — the idea being that we can’t imagine non-existence. Keep this in mind as the Super New Moon in Capricorn transits your 11th House, highlighting your wildest hopes, dreams, wishes and goals. What structures can you put in place to achieve them? Your friends and community can help. Planet of luck Jupiter has reentered your House of Finances, so you’ll be blessed financially this year if you put a structure in place to maximize your potential.

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