The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6, 2023 starts the waning moon cycle, so the energy over the next two weeks (Jan. 6-Jan. 20) is good for releasing, banishing, and letting go. We can use the January 6–8 weekend to start fresh, by leaving behind anything outmoded from 2022.

Wherever the Full Moon in Cancer is shining in your chart (i.e., which astrological house/life area it will transit) will be an opportunity for nurturance and growth. Cancer is the sign of caring and mothering, so this Full Moon will give us a reprieve from professional duties (Capricorn) and help us focus on domestic matters (Cancer). It’s time to feel more at home within the self, to feel more at home in the world. 

Mars and Mercury are still retrograde, going direct on Jan. 12 and Jan. 18, respectively. With Mars, we’re reviewing how we use our warrior energy: Are we unnecessarily combative, or do we need to stand up for ourselves more? Mercury Retrograde is helping us review how we think and communicate, as we re-examine our plans and ideas to do well in 2023. Big moves are not required now; it’s best to take a wait-and-see approach while still formulating ideas and finishing up what’s been started. Come January 22, ALL planets will be direct until April, so great progress is likely to be made in the first few months of 2023. See what’s up this new year by scheduling a psychic-astrology reading.

This Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde is conjunct the Sun (which is called “camazi”). Expect a-ha moments, breakthroughs, and epiphanies. Since Mercury is retrograde, err on the side of caution when it comes to disclosures, i.e., when in doubt, leave it out. There’s also a T-Square this Full Moon, so what’s tight will need to be loosened; change is in the air and adaptability will save the day. All in all, go easy this Full Moon. Let go of what you don’t want to bring into 2023. Draft loose, subject-to-change plans, but draft them nonetheless: This is the year to break out of ruts, stand out, and go out on a limb when it comes to living our best lives.

To find out which life area the Cancerian Full Moon will help heal, determine where 16 degrees of Cancer falls in your astrological chart; likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Fourth House of Emotional Security. A light now is being shone on what you need to nurture yourself, and what you need to release as a form of self-care. You’re closing an emotional cycle, so stuff’s going out to make room for new stuff coming in. Positive adjustments made on the home front now will result in more professional success. In fact, that’s where Mercury is retrograding in your chart– your Tenth House of Career. Reassess where you are professionally and where you want to go. Revise your role with the public. Consider what you need to leave behind to be the best you this year.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Third House of Communications. You have an opportunity now to nurture your mind by emptying out the negative thoughts. That will give you the ability to think more clearly, be a better leader, etc. Likewise, if there’s something you’ve been doing that you don’t enjoy, why not stop? If you don’t like going somewhere, don’t go. What can make your life lighter and fun, i.e., what can be dropped for more space? Mercury is retrograding in your Ninth House of Expansion — a good time to ask what you might do to expand your heart, mind, and soul. Review options for higher ed, travel, publishing, entrepreneurship, etc.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Second House of Resources. This is an opportunity to nurture your relationship with nature and abundance, as well as improve your natural talents and skills. It’s also a time to nurture your relationship with wealth and consider what limiting beliefs can be washed away this Full Moon. Who is the new, richer, more satisfied YOU? What needs to be released (that you’ve been holding onto too tightly) to create a new vibe? Mercury is retrograding through your Eighth House, inspiring your empowerment through reinvention. Look for a-ha moments and epiphanies.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your First House of Self. This is a wonderful time to nurture everything about YOU: Your body, mind, and soul. You’ll do so this Full Moon by releasing that which doesn’t feel good anymore, be it an expectation, job, habit, person, etc. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograding in your partnership sector, bringing back old partners perhaps, or helping you mitigate trouble in paradise. This is a great time to review your commitments and contracts, assessing whether they’re balanced and harmonious. Consider what you want in a relationship and possible next steps for getting it.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Twelfth House of the Subconscious. You’ve probably been busy focusing on the day-to-day grind; now, it’s time to retreat, process, and clear out your head. This transit is about soul lessons and your subconscious beliefs — release those ones that get in the way of living your dream life. Hypnosis, meditating, therapy, journaling, etc. could help. Mercury is retrograding through your Sixth House of Lifestyle, so it’s the perfect time to consider your habits, which ones to quit and new ones to implement in 2023. What will be good for your body and soul?

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Eleventh House of Friends and Goals, so you can expect adjustments in those areas. If your tribe no longer matches your vibe, it may be time to find some new cohorts. Likewise, this lunation may shine a light on your hopes, dreams, and goals. Consider if your aspirations have changed, and what “dream come true” would light you up the most. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograding in your Fifth House of Creativity, so there may be an old hobby or flame that piques your interest again. This is a great time to take your fun seriously; prepare to find something (or someone!) to love.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Tenth House of Status, highlighting your public image, reputation, and career. You may be completing deals, preparing launches, or readying for a new role; you may also be clarifying what no longer works for you professionally — consider how you can responsibly drop it. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograding through your Fourth House of Emotional Security. You’re processing your feelings and will better understand what you need in order to feel as perfect as possible. Leave behind anything that’s undermining your emotional well-being, for a stronger foundation for success all around in 2023.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Ninth House of Expansion, illuminating how you can learn and grow in 2023. Whether it’s cultivating new empowering beliefs about yourself, exploring a foreign land, or continuing your education, the heavens are helping you to grow. Meanwhile, Mercury Retrograde is transiting your Third House of Communications — a great time to review your mindset and commit to empowering yourself mentally. If you have a creative project that’s been put on the backburner, now’s ideal for revising it. Consider ways to refresh your mind this year, be it with a class, new social group, or daily activity.

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Eighth House of Rebirth. The next two weeks is a time of transformation and emotional detox, as you’re realizing what might need to end for you to feel stronger. Meanwhile, Mercury Retrograde is transiting your Second House of Finances, helping you review how you make money and where you spend and invest. Consider next steps for more financial success. Likewise, your values may be going through a shift; what mattered before may not mean so much to you now. Check in with yourself and adjust accordingly, i.e., what should you release and what should you fortify?

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Seventh House of Relationships, shedding light on your long-term partnerships (S.O., best friend, consultants, etc.). Is it time to take things to the next level or to call it quits? Take your time in decision-making: Mercury is retrograding in your sign, so you’re likely to learn a lot about yourself now, like your purpose, what you need to be happy, etc. Also, consider how your body is feeling; revising your diet or exercise regimen could make a world of difference. Use this time to make changes within, and then see what needs to change in your relationships. Do you need to speak up more? Ask for help when you need it?

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Sixth House of Lifestyle, shining a light on your day-to-day routine, health, and work. Is your body feeling good? Are your daily processes streamlined to maximize efficiency? Over the next two weeks, you’re in a good position to adjust your routines. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograding in your Twelfth House of the Subconscious, making your dream life more lively than usual — a great time for a dream journal to help realize and release any self-limiting beliefs keeping you from achieving your 2023 ideals. Play over in your mind the moves you need to make for success; don’t give yourself the luxury of a negative thought!

The Full Moon in Cancer will transit your Fifth House of Creativity, illuminating how you have fun, enjoy life, and express yourself. Is there something that’s not fun anymore? Or do you need more joy on a regular basis? You’ll know better over the next two weeks. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograding through your Eleventh House of Hopes and Friends, helping you reconsider your big dreams and those who can help along the way. Think “big picture” and research possible next steps for achieving your ideals. Re-evaluate your friendships and social circles, and how they play into making your greatest dreams come true.

With so many Venus aspects, I’m dubbing this year Sweet Pea ‘23. Venus rules love AND money, so we can expect some sweet changes in those regards. Find out what Venus (and other planets) are doing in your astrology chart and get answers to your questions with a psychic-astrology reading for the new year.  Visit my Services page to get your New Year’s reading; likewise, drop me a line at or fill out the form below.

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