Nothing Holding You Back — Freedom with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!

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In Shawn Mendes song, “There’s Nothing Holding Me Back,” he sings about a girl who turns his world upside down and frees him up to be his new self:

You take me places
That tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there’s nothing holding me back

With her, he discovers another world in which his past identity is irrelevant. As his previous plans fall by the wayside, he feels completely free.

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27, 2018, we’re given an opportunity to experience a new world in which we are free. Aquarius rules the 11th House in astrology, which pertains to one’s hopes, dreams, wishes and ideals. It’s a sign linked to freedom and inspiration, which are two sides of the same coin: In order to be inspired, we must touch upon a new aspect of ourselves. Protocols based on previously determined self-constructs and strategies lose importance. This eclipse, the effects of which can last for the next six months, urges us to throw out the playbook and start fresh.

To learn which life area is being activated by the eclipse (i.e., what life area may need a reset so there’s nothing holding you back) note where 4 degrees of Aquarius is in your chart; likewise, see your sign or rising sign below.

Aries: Sometimes we get so fixated with our eyes on the prize, that we forget to stop and see if our dreams still hold as much heart and meaning. As the Lunar Eclipse transits your 11th House of Hopes, Dreams and Ideals, check in with yourself to see if attaining a different goal would bring you more satisfaction. If so, don’t be afraid to change the plan and give all you got to a new ideal. It’s not like the work you’ve done already is for naught; it all comes together and is part of the journey. The 11th House also rules friendship and community: If you feel your tribe no longer matches your vibe, don’t be afraid to distance yourself from the familiar to pursue new like-minded people who really “get you.” Friends and community can inspire and galvanize your greatest hopes, wishes, dreams and ideals. Let yourself be lit up.

Taurus: When we get to the top of the mountain, sometimes we have to ask ourselves if it was the right mountain! Or which mountain is next! As the Lunar Eclipse transits your 10th House of Status, you’ve reached a peak professionally. As professional matters come to a head, you’ll have a “bird’s eye view” of the world, and will realize that you have some choices to make. Over the next six months, allow yourself to explore new terrain. Consider what excites you the most, and what you want to be known for. Sure, this may mean charting a new course and there’s no guarantees, but it’s responsible to keep inspired and it’s practical to build your life on rich, pure, fertile soil. With Uranus, the planet of change, in your sign for the next several years, the maxim “change is stability” has never been more on-point.

Gemini: You’re so good at being logical, communicating, handling the day-to-day aspects of life. But as the Lunar Eclipse transits your 9th House of Expansion, you may find yourself wanting more and wondering, “What else is there?” Your work or neighborhood may feel too familiar, and you might be getting itchy feet. Although you have this great ability to learn no matter where you are, sometimes you have to explore realms that are completely unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Over the next six months, allow yourself the freedom to explore the world. Your energy now longs for expansion: Take a trip to a foreign land, consider moving 5000 miles away, throw yourself into a brand new subject you find exciting. The sky is yours, Gemini, and the only limits are those you put on yourself. You always have the power to see differently — and the more you see, the more you see.

Cancer: Where you begin and others end is a question you may be asking yourself lately, as the Lunar Eclipse transits your 8th House of Rebirth. Yes, the 8th House is no joke — sex, death, taxes, and joint resources all fall under its domain. Thus, over the next six months, you can expect things to change in one or more life area. The best way to handle this is by going with the flow and being flexible, as resisting changes now will be downright exhausting. Your soul is calling for evolution, a need to drop the dead wood and start fresh and anew. You don’t necessarily need to leave your spouse, change jobs, etc., but such things will probably need to evolve. You’re transforming, Cancer, and that means really great things are ahead if you allow yourself to feel good, follow your excitement, and embrace the “magic of new beginnings.” Make sure to give yourself the extra TLC you need so you’re strong enough to handle all the abundance you deserve and desire.

Leo: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” Such is the theme of this Lunar Eclipse for you, which transits your 7th House of Partnerships. The focus will be on the “other” in your life, whether you want a relationship, want to deepen the one you’re in, or say “sayonara” in favor of more fulfilling partnerships. With these eclipses, we learn quickly that half-measures do not perform well, so get ready to get ready to make a decision: Are you in or out? If in, use this eclipse and the next six months to find a balance: Discover and express what you need to feel fulfilled, sure, but find out what the others in your life also need. Understanding others now, deepening your connections, and doubling down on your commitments will make your heart sing: It’s funny, but when we put the focus on others, that’s when our true selves can really shine.

Virgo: Lines will be drawn in the sand this eclipse, putting you on a new trajectory for the next six months. It’s not so much about setting boundaries with others, but creating rules for yourself to feel as perfect as possible. The Lunar Eclipse will be transiting your 6th House of Work, Health and Day-to-Day — your lifestyle. This is a very sensitive part of your chart, Virgo, as your sign governs this life area. Is your job sustaining your lifestyle but sucking the life out of you? If so, use this eclipse to get comfortable with the concept of having both a handsome salary and work that fulfills. We get in life what we allow. Further, how do you feel physically? Your body is super-sensitive, so if leveling up your fitness regimen or cleaning up your diet will make you feel more perfect, make the decision: Consider how this “new you” will be, what she’ll do, and act accordingly. Create the right system and process — one that you can sustain — and you’ll be feeling a lot better in time for your birthday.

Libra: French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal once said, “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” Such is the theme for you this Lunar Eclipse which transits your 5th House of Joy. If you’ve been bogged down with obligations and what you should do, starting Friday into the next six months, you’ll be inclined to give yourself a reprieve. What are we really here for? Our purpose is joy, and now’s the time to find out what (or who!) you really love and abandon yourself to it. The good news is that this is actually one of the most practical things you can do: The heart energizes the entire body, and is way more powerful than the brain. If you surrender to what you love, you’ll be stronger, and all those other things that you want to achieve are likely to flow into your experience with less resistance. So forget what on the surface doesn’t seem reasonable; what’s most reasonable is that your heart is soaring and that you feel more alive than ever before.

Scorpio: It’s often said that “Home is where the heart is.” Another way of understanding this is that we take our home around with us wherever we go. This concept of emotional security is the hot topic as the Lunar Eclipse transits your 4th House of Home, Family and Internal Security. Over the next six months, figure out what makes you feel safe, secure and comfortable. Allow yourself to feel how you want to feel (use your amazing imagination) and move toward situations that allow you to easily sustain those feelings. You may find that you need to let go of things that undermine your confidence to feel more comfortable and safe; this could be a matter of leaving some stressful people and situations behind. Key to your success is determining how you want to feel — choosing your feeling state — and not letting circumstances dictate your mood; in doing this, your actions will create circumstances that feel a lot better.

Sagittarius: You Sagittarians usually love vacations. But every day should feel like a vacation ideally, and life lately may not feel this way. As the Lunar Eclipse transits your 3rd House of Communications, you’re ready to jazz up your everyday environment. Those daily interactions with your neighbors, co-workers, spouse, the dry cleaning lady, etc., — they need not be so mundane. You can either change who you deal with daily and what you do, or take another approach to what you’re doing. As a Sagittarius, you have a contagious optimism that makes you loved and lucky; how about punching this up? In The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Delois Wattles, he advises that we embody an “an advancing personality,” conveying the impression that you’re advancing everyone you interact with. Imagine helping everyone you encounter feel better simply by expressing your naturally optimistic spirit or flashing your therapeutic smile? If this seems like a challenge, find something that excites you, keeping yourself in learning-mode so that spark of yours is irrepressible and inextinguishable.

Capricorn: If you’re not having fun making money, you’re doing it wrong. And to expand this concept, if you’re not having fun doing anything, you’re could be! As the Lunar Eclipse transits your 2nd House of Self-Worth, you may be inclined to value yourself and your time more, and that may mean distancing yourself from anything that feels belabored. Since you’re typically not big on sudden moves (which aren’t advised under an eclipse anyway) perhaps position yourself to better enjoy whatever you have going on. As you consider all your options for where your energy can be best used, ask yourself how your current situation — exactly as it is now — can benefit you. Your current circumstances can provide the perfect stepping stone for deriving more value out of your life. Open up your throat chakra — sing, scream, have a conversation with yourself — and really awesome options will open up and you’ll realize they were there all along.

Aquarius: When you change yourself, everything you look at changes. Such is the theme as the Lunar Eclipse in your sign transits your 1st House of Identity. Who we are is variable; you could be a life-long lover of chocolate ice cream, and then — in a flash — decide to be someone who favors strawberry ice cream more. What, is someone going to challenge you and say “that’s not who you are!” Maybe. But it won’t matter. This eclipse is an opportunity for you to change your self-construct: If you want to be someone who loves strawberry ice cream, thrives in leadership, loves the idea of being in a relationship or living as a monk in the mountains, just make the decision that’s who you are. You can always go back to who you were, or choose another course entirely. The point is that you have to evolve. Not tapping into another dimension of yourself during this time is the most torturous thing you could do. Follow your impulses and explore another aspect of yourself — true freedom lies in choice, not in a self-imposed box.

Pisces: As the most evolved, spiritualized sign of the zodiac, you intuit how we’re all connected and how there’s so much more to life than what we experience. As the Lunar Eclipse transits your 12th House of Transcendence, you’re getting a strong sense that other worlds exist. In fact, this liberating transit will having you wanting to escape into the other worlds even more than usual! That’s OK: You’re getting a taste of what can be made possible, and are probably on information-overload. Do what you can to trust this subliminal process and take extra good care of yourself as you go through it: Unplug the phone, take a day off from work, cancel plans and hang out under the covers — whatever lessens the noise around you now is a good idea, because you’re changing and evolving, and really need space and peace. Over the next six months, make sure to check in with yourself more, and schedule downtime if necessary. Listen to meditations, binaural beats, inspirational speakers; your subconscious is a sponge now, and you want to download only the most helpful information. Something new is coming, so give yourself the space to find and flow into the most exhilarating, ecstatic experiences.