Love and abundance are afoot, my friends, as the Moon finds herself favorably in the sign of Taurus. Mercury Retrograde has concluded (though still in its shadow until May 31), and eclipse season has come to a close, signaling smoother times on the horizon. To discover where the soil is richest for you now, read the horoscope for your sun and/or rising sign below.

Aries: Love and abundance are flowing into your financial situation and home life as the New Moon graces your 2nd House and harmoniously connects with your 4th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Financial Stability and Growth: Embrace the potential for increased financial stability and growth. This fresh start offers opportunities to improve your financial situation, earn more income, or embark on new ventures that bring abundance into your life.

  2. Positive Changes in Home and Family: Use this alignment to create positive changes in your personal life, home environment, and family relationships. Nurture your connections with loved ones and cultivate a harmonious and supportive atmosphere within your home.

  3. Enhanced Self-Worth: Engage in self-reflection and introspection regarding your values, self-worth, and personal goals. This period encourages you to align your actions with your core values, boosting your self-confidence and empowering you to embrace your natural talents.

  4. Manifesting Your Desires: Leverage this favorable energy to manifest your dreams into reality. Set clear goals, implement financial plans, and create a nurturing living environment that supports your emotional well-being. Trust in the abundance that flows when you’re relaxed, at peace, and living your life with passion!

Taurus: Love and abundance are present in your identity and communications as the New Moon illuminates your 1st House and harmoniously connects with your 3rd. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Personal Renewal: Embrace a fresh start and personal renewal. Redefine yourself, boost self-confidence, and pursue ventures aligned with your true nature. This alignment encourages you to express yourself authentically and follow your passions.

  2. Effective Communication: Experience a boost in communication skills and articulate self-expression. Your ability to convey ideas effectively will be enhanced, making conversations and collaborations more meaningful. Embrace intellectual growth, engage in learning, and share your thoughts with others.

  3. Learning and Networking: Explore new learning opportunities that align with your interests and goals. Discover exciting courses or workshops that expand your knowledge base. Additionally, build connections with like-minded individuals through networking, which can lead to future collaborations and professional growth.

  4. Taking Action: Use this harmonious alignment to initiate new projects, ventures, or creative endeavors. Express your ideas and intentions with clarity and take the necessary steps toward achieving your goals. Embrace sharing your unique perspectives and actively pursue the realization of your aspirations.

Gemini: Love and abundance are present in your spirituality and finances as the New Moon graces your 12th House and harmoniously connects with your 2nd. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Spiritual Growth: Embrace a period of introspection and spiritual exploration. Engage in practices like meditation, journaling, or seeking spiritual guidance. This alignment offers an opportunity for deep inner growth, self-reflection, and connecting with your higher self.

  2. Financial Healing: Find harmony between the spiritual and material aspects of life. Use this alignment to heal your relationship with money and release limiting beliefs or patterns. Reflect on your values around wealth and resources, and redefine your relationship with material possessions.

  3. Emotional Release: Let go of emotional baggage that may hinder your financial stability or self-worth. This alignment supports emotional healing and provides space for self-compassion and self-care. Release past traumas or unresolved emotions, creating room for positive financial energy.

  4. Intuitive Financial Decisions: Trust your intuition when making financial decisions. The New Moon’s alignment enhances your intuitive insights and offers valuable guidance. Tune into your inner wisdom, align your financial goals with your spiritual values, and make decisions that support your overall well-being.

Cancer: Love and abundance are flourishing in your hopes, dreams, friendships, and community as well as in your identity, as the New Moon graces your 11th House and harmoniously connects with your 1st. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Social Connections: Embrace increased social activity and the potential for new connections. Expand your social circle, network with like-minded individuals, and engage in group activities aligned with your interests and goals. Foster meaningful friendships and cultivate a sense of community.

  2. Personal Goals: Align your individual goals with collective endeavors and causes. Pursue your dreams while contributing to humankind! Embrace your power to make a positive impact and work toward your personal aspirations with a supportive community!

  3. Collaborations and Teamwork: Explore opportunities for collabs and partnerships. Join forces with others who share similar visions and objectives. Engage in group projects that foster personal growth and bring mutual benefits. Together, you can achieve great things!

  4. Self-Expression and Leadership: Embrace self-expression and confidently assert your ideas and unique qualities within social settings. Take on leadership roles within groups or organizations, allowing your light to shine and make a positive impact. Embrace your individuality and inspire others through your authentic self-expression.

Leo: Love and abundance are flowing into your career and spirituality as the New Moon graces your 10th House and harmoniously connects with your 12th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Career Advancement: Embrace new beginnings and opportunities for career advancement. Set goals, establish a solid reputation, and work toward achieving your professional goals! This alignment brings the potential for recognition, promotions, and new ventures in your career!

  2. Spiritual Guidance: Tap into your intuition and inner wisdom for guidance in your career path. Infuse your work with purpose, aligning it with your spiritual values and a greater sense of fulfillment. Allow your spirituality to guide your career choices and contribute to your overall well-being.

  3. Meaningful Work: Discover hidden talents and interests that can be integrated into your work life. Reflect on the spiritual significance of your career choices and how they contribute to your fulfillment. Find meaning in your work by aligning it with your deeper values and aspirations.

  4. Emotional Healing: This New Moon offers an opportunity for emotional healing and release related to your professional life. Let go of self-imposed limitations, fears, and emotional baggage that hinder your progress. Engage in inner healing work to cultivate a loving and joyful relationship with your career and public image.

Virgo: Love and abundance are blooming in your life, expanding your horizons, dreams, friendships, and community as the New Moon graces your 9th House and harmoniously connects with your 11th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Intellectual Growth: Embrace the opportunity for intellectual growth and higher learning. Engage in advanced studies, pursue education, and explore philosophical and spiritual topics. Expand your knowledge, seek new perspectives, and broaden your horizons.

  2. Social Connections: Forge meaningful connections and collaborative endeavors within your social networks. Seek out like-minded individuals, participate in group activities, and engage in projects that align with your interests and values. Expand your social circle and nurture connections that support your personal and intellectual growth!

  3. Broadening Horizons: Embrace travel opportunities and experiences that broaden your perspective. Plan trips or engage in abroad programs that expose you to diverse cultures and ideas. Let these experiences enhance your personal growth and connect you with a wider network of friends!

  4. Meaningful Causes: Utilize your knowledge and insights to make a positive impact on society. Engage in community initiatives that align with your beliefs and promote meaningful causes. Use your voice and actions to create a better world!

Libra: Love and abundance are flowing into your life through rebirth and your career as the New Moon graces your 8th House and harmoniously connects with your 10th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Personal Transformation: This is a time of deep inner transformation and self-discovery. Embrace personal growth, let go of old patterns, and embrace new beginnings. Engage in introspection, self-analysis, and healing work that promotes your personal transformation.

  2. Career Success: The alignment with the 10th House paves the way for career advancement and professional success. Set ambitious goals, make strategic moves, and manifest success in your professional endeavors! It’s an ideal time to elevate your career, create a positive public image, and achieve your professional aspirations.

  3. Financial Opportunities: The harmonious connection between the 8th and 10th Houses opens doors to financial opportunities and joint ventures. Explore collaborations, partnerships, and shared resources that can lead to favorable financial outcomes. Engage in financial planning, negotiate contracts, and make investments aligned with your career goals.

  4. Embracing Personal Power: Allow the New Moon’s energy to empower you in your professional sphere. Embrace your personal power and influence, tap into your strengths, and make confident decisions that shape your career trajectory. Cultivate leadership skills, assert your expertise, and take charge of your professional journey!

Scorpio: Love and abundance are blossoming in your partnerships and expansion as the New Moon graces your 7th House and harmoniously connects with your 9th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Harmonious Relationships: This is a time of new beginnings and the potential for balanced connections. Focus on creating harmonious partnerships in both your personal and professional life. Nurture cooperation, seek mutually beneficial relationships, and foster a sense of harmony and understanding.

  2. Expanding Horizons: Embrace the opportunity to broaden your horizons and engage in cultural experiences. Allow your relationships to inspire you to explore new belief systems, engage in cross-cultural interactions, and expand your understanding of the world. Embrace diversity and embrace the beauty of different perspectives.

  3. Learning and Growth: Seize opportunities for intellectual growth by learning from others. Engage in meaningful conversations, collaborate on projects, and seek out mentors or individuals with diverse backgrounds. Embrace the chance to expand your knowledge and broaden your perspective through these interactions.

  4. Balance and Personal Freedom: Find a harmonious balance between personal freedom and commitments in your relationships. Align your partnerships with your personal values and aspirations, ensuring they support your individual growth. Seek relationships that allow you to pursue your intellectual and spiritual interests while nurturing your personal freedom.

Sagittarius: Love and abundance are manifesting in your work, health, and routines, as the New Moon illuminates your 6th House and harmoniously connects with your 8th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Personal Well-being: This is a time of new beginnings and opportunities for improving your physical and mental health. Embrace self-care practices, adopt healthier habits, and establish beneficial routines. Focus on feeling as perfect as possible.

  2. Transformation and Growth: The alignment with the 8th House signifies a transformative journey. Embrace personal growth, shed old patterns, and embark on a process of renewal. Engage in inner work and healing practices that facilitate transformation and regeneration.

  3. Increased Productivity: The harmonious connection between the 6th and 8th Houses supports increased productivity and efficiency. Streamline your routines, work processes, and organizational systems. Focus on enhancing your skills, tackling challenging tasks, and stepping up your professional and personal life!

  4. Financial Management: This alignment may bring opportunities for financial management and resource optimization. Assess your financial situation, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and develop strategies for long-term stability. Stay open to insights into hidden financial resources or investment opportunities that can positively impact your financial well-being.

Capricorn: Love and abundance are flowing into your life through your creativity and partnerships, thanks to the New Moon in your 5th House and its harmonious connection with your 7th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Expressing Your Creativity: Embrace this time of new beginnings and creative potential. Engage in artistic expression, pursue hobbies or passions, and enjoy activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Explore your creative side, unleash your talents, and express yourself authentically.

  2. Harmonious Relationships: The alignment between the 5th and 7th Houses fosters harmonious connections in your relationships and partnerships. Seek out like-minded individuals who support your creative goals! Collaborate with others on creative projects or cultivate relationships that inspire and bring joy.

  3. Romance and Love: This alignment opens doors for romantic connections and love affairs! Embrace new beginnings in love or deepen existing relationships. Express affection, engage in playful interactions, and nurture the romance in your life. Create joyful experiences with your partner and celebrate love!

  4. Collaborative Creativity: Take advantage of opportunities for collaborative creative ventures. Explore partnerships in the creative field or join forces with like-minded individuals who share your artistic vision. Together, you can enhance the quality and reach of your creative endeavors, bringing out the best in each other!

Aquarius: Love and abundance are manifesting in your domestic life and health/work routine, thanks to the New Moon in your 4th House and its harmonious connection with your 6th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Emotional Well-being: This is a time for emotional healing and inner harmony. Focus on nurturing your personal life, connecting with your emotions, and creating a peaceful home environment. Take care of yourself and establish emotional balance and stability.

  2. Work-Life Balance: Find a healthy equilibrium between your personal and professional life. Use this alignment to prioritize self-care practices, establish harmonious routines, and promote your overall well-being. Strive for fulfillment in your daily activities and improve your work strategies.

  3. Supportive Relationships: Foster nurturing relationships with colleagues and find a supportive work community. Cultivate teamwork, positive connections, and a cooperative work environment. These relationships will contribute to your emotional well-being and job satisfaction.

  4. Professional Growth: Seize opportunities for productivity and professional advancement. Align your personal and emotional needs with your career aspirations. Take on new responsibilities, aim for recognition, and work toward your long-term goals. Embrace the potential for growth and success in your professional life.

Pisces: Love and abundance are flowing into your life through your communications and creativity, thanks to the New Moon in your 3rd House and its harmonious connection with your 5th. Here’s how this can positively impact you:

  1. Expressing Yourself: This is a time of fresh starts and improved communication skills. You’ll find it easier to share your thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence. Embrace your unique voice and engage in creative activities that bring you fulfillment and joy!

  2. Learning and Growing: Take advantage of this alignment to pursue educational opportunities that align with your creative interests. Whether it’s taking a course or exploring self-study, expand your knowledge and skills in artistic and creative areas. Let your intellectual abilities support your creative endeavors!

  3. Embracing Joy: Infuse your life with playfulness and enjoyment. Engage in hobbies and recreational pursuits that bring you happiness! This alignment encourages you to find delight in creative expression and reconnect with your inner child.

  4. Collaborations and Romance: This alignment opens doors for creative collaborations and romantic connections. Join artistic communities, work with others on exciting projects, and embrace opportunities for romantic encounters! Nurture relationships that are grounded in shared creativity and self-expression.

Get clear on what’s going on and how to make the most of this magical time—book a psychic-astrology reading. For more information, drop me a line at josh.macguire@gmail.com or fill out the form below.