The skies are shifting and a new lunar cycle is beginning! On November 13th, 2023 we’ll experience a New Moon in the deeply transformative sign of Scorpio. New Moons represent a fresh start and a clearing of the slate. It’s the perfect time to plant the seeds of intention for what you wish to grow in your life.

This New Moon falls in mysterious Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth. Scorpio energy runs deep, urging us to shed what is no longer serving us to make space for reawakened purpose. Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, aligns closely with this New Moon, imbuing it with courage, motivation, and initiative. We may feel stirred to take bold action toward healing, transformation and empowerment.

At the same time, rebel planet Uranus in earthy Taurus forms a tense opposition to this lunation. Disruptive Uranus could bring shocking events or revelations meant to shake us out of stale ruts. We must avoid impulsiveness and instead ground ourselves through earthly routines. Focus energy into constructive projects rather than reactionary outbursts!

When channeled well, this lunar cycle can help us bravely walk our authentic path. Shed self-limiting beliefs, behaviors or relationships which restrict your growth. Commit to your core values with discipline and integrity. Support healthy boundaries and speak uncomfortable truths with compassion. Break free from fears through bold self-examination and forgiveness.

Additionally, as we are just coming out of eclipse season, changes and shifts may have already occurred in your life. If this is the case, we can use the efficient and streamlining energy of Scorpio to smooth out our routines and get organized. Tie up loose ends, purge clutter, and create systems that support your goals.

The coming weeks are ideal for releasing addictions, diving into psychotherapy or creating ritual. Physically purify through detoxes, fasting, time in nature. Allow dark nights of the soul to reveal hidden wholeness within. You are the alchemist of your life; be discerning yet gently transmute all to gold. The phoenix emerges renewed when the fire of transformation is honored.

Stay centered in stillness before leaping ahead. Feel before rushing to think; listen before speaking. Find power in vulnerability. Renew spiritual practices to anchor your intentions. Join with supportive community who affirm your true worth. Speak positivity and choose faith in yourself and in life.

This lunar cycle offers the chance to courageously walk your soul’s sacred path. Shed the past with forgiveness and move boldly towards rebirth!

To find out which life area the New Moon in Scorpio is likely to affect, determine where 20 degrees of Scorpio falls in your astrological chart. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Eighth House of Rebirth. You can expect deep transformations and revelations around shared resources and intimacy. This is a great time to shed limiting beliefs around deservingness. Make the most of this transit by diving into shadow work and embracing necessary change.

Taurus: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Seventh House of Partnerships. You can expect important new beginnings in your closest one-on-one connections. This is a great time to improve communication and deepen commitment. Make the most of this transit by addressing issues through compassionate honesty.

Gemini: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Sixth House of Daily Life. You can expect fresh starts around your health, habits and work routines. This is a great time to implement helpful lifestyle changes. Make the most of this transit by developing better organizational systems.

Cancer: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Fifth House of Creativity. You can expect renewed inspiration around your passions and joyful self-expression. This is a great time to courageously share your talents. Make the most of this transit by diving into creative or romantic adventures.

Leo: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Fourth House of Home. You can expect new beginnings around your living situation, family and emotional foundations. This is a great time to purge clutter and improve comfort. Make the most of this transit by expressing appreciation for loved ones.

Virgo: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Third House of Communication. You can expect fresh starts around how you exchange ideas, learn and connect in your community. This is a great time to have important but sensitive dialogues. Make the most of this transit by listening with an open heart.

Libra: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Second House of Resources. You can expect increased motivation around earning potential, talents and self-worth. This is a great time to shed limiting financial beliefs and get structured. Make the most of this transit by developing healthy budgeting.

Scorpio: The New Moon in your First House of Self will feel like an energetic rebirth just in time for your birthday! This lunar cycle will align powerfully with your core being, amplifying themes of empowerment and transformation. You’ll feel renewed motivation and courage to walk your authentic path. Make the most of your own lunar cycle by fearlessly transforming what no longer serves you.

Sagittarius: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Twelfth House of Spirituality. You can expect new beginnings around soul journeys, rest and solitude. This is a great time for self-care routines that nourish your inner life. Make the most of this transit through prayer, meditation and quality downtime.

Capricorn: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Eleventh House of Community. You can expect fresh starts in connections with groups and friendships. This is a great time to find kindred spirits who share your goals. Make the most of this transit by being authentically and unapologetically you.

Aquarius: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Tenth House of Career. You can expect motivation around your professional life and public reputation. This is a great time to showcase your abilities or implement impactful changes. Make the most of this transit by going after what you deserve.

Pisces: The New Moon in Scorpio will be transiting your Ninth House of Expansion. You can expect new horizons around your education, travels and personal philosophy. This is a great time to courageously seek knowledge that empowers your growth. Make the most of this transit through classes, books or experiences that broaden your perspective.

Still got questions during this transformative time? Get them answered with a psychic-astrology reading! Also, check out my Fall Offerings for parties, coaching packages, and more! Drop me a line at or fill out the form below for more info. Happy Autumn!

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