On September 17, 2024, we’ll experience a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25° of Pisces. This isn’t just any lunar event — it’s a North Node eclipse, something we haven’t seen in Pisces since 2006. Think of it as a full moon on steroids, intensifying emotions and insights while acting as a cosmic gateway to accelerate our personal and spiritual growth.

This eclipse in dreamy Pisces, conjunct with Neptune, is set to awaken our intuition, creativity, and spiritual awareness. It’s a time for profound endings and new beginnings, offering us a chance to let go of emotional baggage and tap into our higher selves. You might experience vivid dreams, sudden intuitive flashes, or a heightened sense of empathy.

Adding to the cosmic mix is a rare Grand Earth Trine, connecting the Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. This harmonious configuration creates a powerful potential for turning your dreams into reality. Expect sudden synchronicities, breakthrough insights, and opportunities to blend your loftiest aspirations with practical, down-to-earth solutions.

As we navigate this transformative energy, remember to stay open to the possibilities. This eclipse is gently nudging us toward our soul’s purpose, inviting us to embrace a higher frequency of divine love and compassion. Whether you feel its effects subtly or profoundly, trust in the process of change and allow yourself to flow with the cosmic currents of transformation.

To discover how this Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may impact you personally, locate 25 degrees of Pisces in your natal chart. This area of your chart will be particularly activated during this eclipse. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sun sign and/or rising sign below for valuable insights. 

Aries: This 12th house lunar eclipse invites you to dive deep and confront subconscious patterns affecting your life. Let go of past grievances and fears — it’s time for a fresh start. Tune into your intuition and the messages from your dreams, as they offer valuable insights for fostering more balanced and meaningful connections. With Uranus in your 2nd house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect some pleasant surprises in your finances.

Taurus: This 11th house eclipse highlights your friendships and social circles. Reflect on your role within your community and how your relationships align with your broader goals. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and seek opportunities for collaboration and connection. Harmonious relationships can lead to enriching experiences. With Uranus in your 1st house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, anticipate pleasant surprises related to your identity and how you express yourself.

Gemini: Your career and public image are in the spotlight during this 10th house lunar eclipse. Balance your professional aspirations with your personal life, especially your home life. Consider how your career choices impact your emotional security and strive for equilibrium. Success is sweeter when shared, so ensure your drive complements your personal connections. With Uranus in your 12th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect pleasant surprises in subconscious shifts that help your manifestations come to fruition.

Cancer: This 9th house lunar eclipse ignites a desire for growth and expansion, particularly in knowledge and beliefs. Explore new perspectives and indulge your thirst for learning. Connect with others who share your philosophies and consider embarking on a journey — whether physical or intellectual — that broadens your horizons. Embrace the growth and connection this eclipse offers. With Uranus in your 11th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, look forward to pleasant surprises related to your networks, friends, and achieving a long-held dream.

Leo: This 8th house lunar eclipse explores the depths of your psyche, focusing on intimacy and shared resources. Take time to reflect on your emotional bonds and how you share resources with others. This is a period for deep emotional understanding and transformation. With Uranus in your 10th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect some unexpected changes in your career or public image that align with your deeper goals and desires.

Virgo: The 7th house lunar eclipse brings relationships and partnerships into focus. Reflect on the balance and harmony within your close connections. This is a great time to address any imbalances and set intentions for healthier dynamics. Consider how your interactions influence your life and work toward fostering more supportive and fulfilling relationships. With Uranus in your 9th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect unexpected insights and opportunities for growth related to your personal beliefs and long-distance connections.

Libra: This 6th house lunar eclipse emphasizes your daily routines and health. Take a moment to evaluate your habits and how they affect your well-being. It’s a good time to make adjustments to improve your productivity and self-care. Streamline your routines and address any health issues that need attention. With Uranus in your 8th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, you might experience unexpected changes in your shared resources or deeper emotional connections that lead to positive transformations.

Scorpio: The 5th house lunar eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and joy. Embrace your playful side and explore new hobbies and passions. This is a wonderful time to reconnect with what brings you joy and to enhance your romantic relationships. Let yourself shine and enjoy the creative flow. With Uranus in your 7th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, you may encounter surprising developments in your partnerships that bring fresh energy and excitement.

Sagittarius: This 4th house lunar eclipse focuses on your home and family life. Reflect on your roots and how they shape your current situation. It’s an excellent time to make changes at home or improve family dynamics. Embrace any revelations about your past and how they impact your present. With Uranus in your 6th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect unexpected shifts in your daily routines and work life that support your overall well-being.

Capricorn: The 3rd house lunar eclipse shines a light on communication and your immediate environment. Evaluate how you express yourself and interact with those around you. It’s a good time to clear up any misunderstandings and strengthen your communication skills. Look out for new insights that can enhance your relationships with your local community. With Uranus in your 5th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect delightful surprises in your creative projects or romantic endeavors.

Aquarius: This 2nd house lunar eclipse brings your finances and values into the spotlight. Reflect on how you manage your resources and what truly matters to you. It’s a time to reassess your financial goals and make adjustments as needed. Focus on creating stability and aligning your spending with your core values. With Uranus in your 4th house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, expect unexpected shifts at home that enhance your comfort and sense of security.

Pisces: The 1st house lunar eclipse highlights your personal identity and self-expression. This is a moment to focus on how you present yourself to the world and what changes you might want to make. Embrace opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. It’s a great time to step into a new version of yourself. With Uranus in your 3rd house, harmonizing with the Sun and Pluto, you might experience unexpected insights or changes in your communication style and interactions with your immediate environment.

Curious about what the changing seasons hold for you? Explore what Fall and Winter 2024 have in store with a personalized psychic-astrology reading. Whether you're seeking insight into love, career, personal growth, or how to navigate the shifts and opportunities of this transformative time, a tailored reading can offer the clarity and direction you need. Plus, I’m available for regular coaching and events, both via Zoom and in person in the Los Angeles area. Reach out via email or fill out the form below with any questions!

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