The first Full Moon of spring will be on April 5/6, 2023. Appropriately called the “Pink Moon,” it falls under the sign of love, romance, and beauty, which balances the fiery and self-centered energy of the Aries New Moon that happened two weeks prior. During the Aries New Moon, we needed to be strong-willed and determined, but now, during the Libra Full Moon, it’s important to consider others and not bulldoze over them to achieve our goals.

Libra represents peace, harmony, courtesy, beauty, and elegance, and it’s the only zodiac sign ruled by an inanimate object, the scales. This unique feature enables Libra to be objective and see both sides of a situation or problem, helping us examine our actions and bring balance to our lives where it’s needed.

Aspects this Lunation

As for the aspects of this lunation, several things are worth noting. Firstly, the Aries sun will conjunct both lucky Jupiter and the wounded healer Chiron, bringing a great deal of healing, particularly in relationships. With Jupiter’s involvement, we can pursue our goals with wisdom, humor, and new opportunities that arise. Jupiter loves fun and lightheartedness, so make sure to enjoy yourself in the next two weeks!

Secondly, Venus, the planet of love and money, will unite with change agent Uranus, giving us a chance to approach relationship and financial matters with a creative and innovative mindset. Expect some surprising and positive changes (Venus brings blessings) when it comes to love and money.

Finally, Mars, the planet of action, will form a trine with Saturn, the planet of hard work and discipline. As Mars and Saturn will be in water signs (Cancer and Pisces, respectively), taking sensitive actions with loving intentions will yield particularly good results.

The upcoming Libra moon presents an opportunity for us to tap into the energy of love, especially if we’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant lately. By doing so, we can accelerate and enter the fast lane — a concept that even those with a fiery Aries personality can appreciate!

Love in the fast lane

The upcoming Libra moon presents a chance for us to connect with the energy of love. This is particularly beneficial if you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant lately. By tapping into the healing powers of love during this Full Moon, you can rev up and enter the fast lane — a concept that even those with a fiery Aries personality can appreciate!

Love is all around, but where in particular?

To determine where there’s extra love around you during this time, locate which astrological house 16 degrees of Libra falls in your chart. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: Love is all around your partnerships as the Libra Full Moon transits your Seventh House. This house pertains to the “other” in your life, including long-term partnerships. The Full Moon may illuminate anything that you couldn’t see before, but with its positive aspects, what you learn now is likely to be beneficial. If you’re single or dating, you may take a relationship to the next level, initiate a connection, move in together, or take on some joint responsibility. Use the next two weeks to assess your one-on-one connections and figure out where you need to share the love.

Taurus: Love is all around your work, health, habits, and daily routine as the Libra Full Moon transits your Sixth House. You are likely to see the benefits of anything you’ve been working on, be it a professional objective, a health and fitness goal, or a lifestyle habit. This lunation may also bring to the surface anything you’ve been neglecting at work or in regard to your health and well-being. Sometimes a Full Moon in this house can indicate changes in the work you do or the workplace itself. If you have been looking for a new job, this could be when you get an offer.

Gemini: Love is all around romance, self-expression, good times, and children (if you have any) as the Libra Full Moon transits your Fifth House. The Fifth House is a creation and heart-centered house, so the Full Moon may illuminate what you truly desire and what would make your life happier. This lunation will likely help you release what no longer serves you and allow you to focus on what matters. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, you may solidify your connection. If you’ve been working on a creative project, you may soon reap the rewards! Overall, this transit calls for more fun and play, so enjoy!

Cancer: Love is all around your home, family, and whatever makes you feel emotionally safe and secure as the Libra Full Moon transits your Fourth House. In addition to bringing feelings out into the open, this lunation may also illuminate how you can strengthen your home, family, or sense of emotional security. Perhaps during this time, you’ll double-down on your self-care, so your “cup overfloweth” for the others in your life. If you’ve been spending a disproportionate amount of time in one area of your life at the expense of another, now may be the time to balance. This transit is about your foundation, so fortify those things that make you feel at home.

Leo: Love is all around your communications, mindset, siblings, and socializing as the Libra Full Moon transits your Third House. This lunation may result in changes to your local environment, where something is completed or improved. This is a very lively transit with social implications; you may decide to hang out in a different spot, change your social media channels, or adjust where you share ideas. There’s a risk that you, a friend, or group could overshare information. The best use of this time may be to communicate more effectively with yourself, developing a mindset that facilitates success.

Virgo: Love is all around your finances, values, and self-worth as the Full Moon in Libra transits your Second House. This may be a time when you reassess your income, assets, and budget to increase your bottom line. You may also purchase something you’ve been saving for or find a perfect item that you love. Additionally, this lunation is about your talents and abilities, so it’s an excellent opportunity to develop your skills and showcase them to fortify your self-worth and earning potential.

Libra: Love is all around your body, personality, presentation, and perspective as the Full Moon in Libra transits your First House. This transit can be illuminating as you become more self-aware, seeing yourself in a new light. You may see results if you’ve put in the work and become better equipped to understand where you’re heading in life. Over the next two weeks, you may gain clarity on what’s working and what’s not and release unnecessary baggage to make way for the changes you want.

Scorpio: Love is all around your subconscious mind, dream life, and behind-the-scenes activities as the Full Moon in Libra transits your Twelfth House. This may be a time when you become aware of things that you’ve been holding back, and it may be the perfect time for therapy, dream/journal work, and heaps of self-love. Once you awaken to the things that hold you back, you’ll be able to let go of them and move forward with a clean slate for the spring.

Sagittarius: Love is all around your friends, community, and dreams as the Full Moon in Libra transits your Eleventh House. This transit is like a harvest, bringing opportunities your way. It’s a great time to fine-tune your goals and go out on a limb to achieve them. You may also decide to let go of a friend or interest group that is no longer serving you, or realize that you have an enjoyable group of people around you already. Full Moons bring truths to light, so you’ll be better able to see others and your path to your highest goals more clearly.

Capricorn: Love is all around your career, status, parents/parenting, and contribution to society as the Full Moon in Libra transits your Tenth House. This transit may bring public recognition or awards, and people in high places may want to spend more time with you. There may also be a work project or position that comes to a close, helping you find something more aligned with your vocation. Your true feelings about your career and life path may come to light now, and you should be on the lookout for new career opportunities that are likely to be advantageous.

Aquarius: Love is all around your expansion, higher learning, foreign travel, and publishing or broadcast projects as the Full Moon in Libra transits your Ninth House. This may be a time to redirect your goals for the future and learn what you can do that’s going to pay off and help you achieve success. As your life path becomes clearer, your manifestations are likely to be realized. It’s an excellent time to complete a publishing or broadcast project and launch it into the world or expand your horizons through higher education or travel.

Pisces: Love is all around other people’s resources, intimacy, and any metaphorical “death” or rebirth you may be experiencing as the Full Moon in Libra transits through your Eighth House. This house encompasses what we have as a result of the people closest to us, ranging from financial resources to the emotions they evoke within us. Thus, a Full Moon here may make you aware of the balance of power in your relationships. Where can there be more sharing? Less? This is a highly transformative transit, providing the perfect opportunity to let go of things that no longer bring you joy, including the strict boundaries you may have set.

Spring time is all about pure energy and fresh starts! Get some answers and kickoff your spring with a psychic-astrology reading to find out what’s going on in your chart and what’s in your cards! For more information, drop me a line at or fill out the form below.

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