As the Full Moon enters the vibrant sign of Leo, it brings a warm glow to our lives, encouraging us to embrace the traits that make us shine. Leo, known for its bold spirit and heartfelt energy, invites us to illuminate our inner world, lighting up the spaces within us where passion resides. In this time, our pursuits are not just activities; they are the sparks that light up our existence, bringing joy, creativity, and warmth. The Full Moon at 5 degrees of Leo acts as a beacon, highlighting the parts of our lives where authenticity and true expression hold sway. It’s a moment to recognize your achievements and to let your inner light radiate outwardly.

Additionally, with Pluto, having recently entered Aquarius and forming an opposition to the Moon, brings a transformative energy. This celestial alignment encourages the burning away of what no longer serves us, making space for new growth and deeper self-realization.

As you read through the insights for your sign and/or rising sign, consider how this Leo Full Moon can help you to not only shine your light more brightly but also to engage in the transformative process of letting go. Embrace this moment as a chance to celebrate your passions and to step confidently into the luminous path that lies ahead.

Now let’s delve into what this Full Moon in Leo has in store for each zodiac sign!


Aries, the Full Moon in Leo spotlights your Fifth House of creativity, romance, and personal passions. It’s time to shine in your hobbies, love life, and any creative endeavors. Expect a boost in self-expression and fun. Concurrently, the Sun and Pluto in your Eleventh House of social connections and future goals are nudging you toward transformative changes in your social life and long-term aspirations. Balance your zest for personal achievements with meaningful community contributions. 


Taurus, this Full Moon in Leo shines warmly on your Fourth House, emphasizing home, family, and emotional security. It’s the perfect time to nurture your personal space, strengthen family bonds, or simply enjoy some comfort at home. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Tenth House of career signal a time of transformation in your professional life. Strike a balance between your domestic tranquility and your ambitions at work. Embrace career changes while maintaining comfort on the homefront.


Gemini, this Full Moon in Leo activates your Third House, highlighting communication and learning. Your words have extra flair now, so it’s a great time for writing, speaking, or learning something new. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Ninth House are pushing for deep changes in your beliefs or long-distance connections. It’s about expanding your horizons while effectively communicating your discoveries. Juggle your local interests and global curiosity; there’s room for both!


Cancer, the Full Moon in Leo illuminates your Second House, focusing on your resources, values, and self-esteem. It’s a wonderful time for self-care and reassessing your material needs. On the other side, the Sun and Pluto in your Eighth House of shared resources and deep emotional bonds suggest significant transformations, perhaps in financial partnerships or intimate relationships. Strive for a balance between personal resources and shared investments, embracing the transformative potential in both areas.


Leo, this is your moment! The Full Moon in your sign brings a spotlight to your First House of self and identity. Embrace this time to show the world exactly who you are, but also consider how personal transformations are shaping your path. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Seventh House are intensifying relationships. Power dynamics and transformations in partnerships are on the horizon. Balancing your need for attention with the demands of close relationships will be your dance under this Full Moon.


Virgo, the Full Moon in Leo lights up your Twelfth House, bringing hidden emotions or secrets to the surface. It’s a time for introspection and maybe some spiritual or creative exploration. Concurrently, the Sun and Pluto in your Sixth House are pushing for transformative changes in your daily routines and health habits. You’re being called to balance your inner spiritual journey with practical life changes. Embrace the transformation in your day-to-day life as you also explore the depths of your subconscious.


This Full Moon in Leo energizes your Eleventh House of friendships and future plans, Libra. Social activities and community involvement might take center stage. It’s a time to connect with friends and align with your long-term goals. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Fifth House signal a transformative phase in your creative expression and romantic life. Balancing social aspirations with personal creative pursuits and romantic involvements is the key to making the most of this lunar event.


Scorpio, the Full Moon in Leo casts its light on your Tenth House of career and public image. You’re in the spotlight professionally, so seize opportunities to showcase your talents. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Fourth House suggest intense changes at home or within your family. This is a time to find equilibrium between your professional aspirations and your private life. Embrace the transformations at home as they can fuel your career growth in unexpected ways.


Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Leo brightens your Ninth House of travel, higher learning, and philosophy. Your thirst for adventure and knowledge is amplified, making it a great time for exploration, whether physical or intellectual. At the same time, the Sun and Pluto in your Third House are urging deep changes in your communication style or immediate surroundings. Balancing your broad horizons with the nitty-gritty of daily interactions and learning will be your challenge under this Full Moon.


Capricorn, the Full Moon in Leo illuminates your Eighth House, bringing issues of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation to the fore. You might find yourself delving into deep emotional exchanges or financial matters. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your Second House are highlighting changes in your personal resources and self-worth. This is a time to balance the material and emotional aspects of sharing with personal financial stability and values.


Aquarius, with the Full Moon in Leo, your Seventh House of partnerships is in the spotlight. Relationships, both personal and professional, may experience heightened emotions and a need for balance. Meanwhile, the Sun and Pluto in your sign indicate a powerful time of personal transformation and redefinition. The key is to balance your personal evolution with the needs and dynamics of your partnerships, finding harmony between self and others.


Pisces, the Full Moon in Leo shines on your Sixth House of health and daily routines. This is a great time to focus on your wellbeing, perhaps adding a little luxury to your routines or starting a new health regimen. At the same time, the Sun and Pluto in your Twelfth House are stirring deep, subconscious changes. You’re called to balance the practicalities of daily life with inner spiritual and psychological transformation. It’s a dance between the visible and invisible aspects of your life.

Looking for more personal insights this Full Moon? Book a psychic-astrology reading to dive deeper into what 2024 has in store for you. Whether you’re seeking guidance on love, career, personal growth, or navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of this year, a tailored reading can provide you with the clarity and direction that counts! Drop me a line via email or fill out the form below with any questions.

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