The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21, 2024, marks a pivotal moment in the cosmic calendar, inviting us to embrace ambition, responsibility, and practicality. As the lunar spotlight illuminates the sign of the Goat, we’re called to focus on our long-term goals, career endeavors, and worldly aspirations. This lunar phase offers a fertile ground for laying the foundations of success and making tangible progress toward our professional objectives. It’s a time for disciplined action, strategic planning, and embracing the rewards of hard work and dedication.

At the helm of this lunar event is Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, currently positioned in Pisces at 19 degrees. As we round up to the next degree, we encounter the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon: “A Table Set for an Evening Meal.” This symbol speaks to the fulfillment found in our spiritual and material connections, urging us to nourish our souls within the embrace of our relationships.

Now, let’s dive into the practical implications of this cosmic dance:

The Moon, stationed in Capricorn at 1 degree, opposes the Sun at 1 degree Cancer. This alignment highlights the delicate balance between our career ambitions (Capricorn) and our emotional well-being (Cancer). It’s an opportune time to reassess our professional goals and ensure they align with our personal fulfillment.

Mercury, in intuitive Cancer, forms an exact sextile to Mars in practical Taurus at 9 degrees. This aspect empowers us to communicate our desires effectively and take decisive action toward our goals. It’s a time for strategic planning and assertive decision-making.

Meanwhile, Venus, positioned in nurturing Cancer at 5 degrees, showers us with blessings and sweetness in our relationships and domestic sphere. It’s a favorable time to nurture connections with loved ones and create harmonious environments that support our emotional well-being.

As we navigate these cosmic currents, it’s helpful to reflect on how they manifest in our lives. Look to your astrology chart to discover where 1 degree of Capricorn and 5 degrees of Cancer fall. These areas signify the aspects of your life most influenced by this Full Moon’s energies, offering insights and opportunities for growth. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: The Full Moon in Capricorn spotlights your Tenth House of Status and Honors, urging intense focus on career matters. Now is the time to release any doubts or fears that may be holding you back and fully embrace your ambitions. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Fourth House of Home and Family, find strength and support in your personal life. Extra rest and nurturing self-care routines will provide the foundation you need to succeed in your professional endeavors.

Taurus: The Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates your Ninth House of Expansion, igniting a passion for knowledge and adventure. Embrace the opportunity to broaden your horizons and explore new possibilities in education, travel, or spirituality. Release any self-imposed limitations and open yourself up to the abundance of opportunities that await you. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Third House of Communication, leverage clear, compassionate communications to foster understanding and connection in your interactions with others.

Gemini: With the Full Moon in Capricorn lighting up your Eighth House of Transformation, profound changes are on the horizon. Embrace the opportunity to release old habits and patterns that no longer serve you and step into your personal power. This is a time for deep introspection and self-discovery, so trust your intuition and allow yourself to undergo a metamorphosis. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Second House of Values and Resources, recognize your worth and leverage your talents and gifts to create abundance in your life.

Cancer: The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights your Seventh House of Partnerships, bringing your relationships into focus. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate deeper connections with others and foster harmony in your interactions. Release any lingering resentments or misunderstandings and approach your relationships with honesty and authenticity. With Venus in Cancer transiting your First House of Self, assert yourself with caring communication and consider updating your appearance to reflect your inner growth.

Leo: With the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminating your Sixth House of Health and Wellness, it’s time to prioritize your well-being. Embrace the opportunity to release stress and tension from your body and mind and adopt healthy habits that nourish your body, mind, and soul. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Twelfth House of Subconscious, find solace and rejuvenation in quiet moments of introspection and self-care. Extra rest and nurturing activities will help you recharge and prepare for new opportunities ahead.

Virgo: The Full Moon in Capricorn lights up your Fifth House of Creativity and Self-Expression, igniting a spark of inspiration within you. Embrace the opportunity to unleash your creativity and express yourself authentically. Release any self-doubt or perfectionism that may be holding you back and allow yourself to fully embrace your unique gifts and talents. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Eleventh House of Hopes and Wishes, focus on your big goals and dreams, and seek support from your community or friends to make them a reality.

Libra: With the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminating your Fourth House of Home and Family, it’s time to focus on creating a sense of stability and security in your personal life. Embrace the opportunity to nurture your relationships with loved ones and create a supportive environment where you can thrive. Release any tensions or conflicts that may be brewing and approach your domestic sphere with love and compassion. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Tenth House of Career and Public Image, focus on responsible career choices and pursue opportunities that align with your long-term goals.

Scorpio: The Full Moon in Capricorn shines its light on your Third House of Communication, encouraging you to speak your truth and express yourself openly and honestly. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns of thinking and communication that no longer serve you and engage in meaningful dialogue with others. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Ninth House of Expansion and Higher Learning, embrace new experiences and expand your mind through travel, education, or publishing endeavors. Open yourself up to new perspectives and embrace the journey of growth and discovery.

Sagittarius: With the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminating your Second House of Values and Resources, it’s time to take stock of your finances and material possessions. Embrace the opportunity to release any scarcity mindset and align yourself with abundance and prosperity. Trust in your abilities to attract wealth and resources into your life and take practical steps toward achieving your financial goals. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Eighth House of Transformation and Intimacy, focus on letting go of what no longer serves you and cultivate deeper connections with others. Embrace vulnerability and allow yourself to experience greater intimacy and connection in your relationships.

Capricorn: The Full Moon in your sign brings a heightened sense of awareness to your personal identity and goals. Embrace the opportunity to release any self-doubt or insecurity and step into your power with confidence and determination. Trust in your abilities to manifest your desires and take bold action toward achieving your dreams. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Seventh House of Partnerships, focus on nurturing your relationships and strengthening your connections with others. Embrace collaboration and teamwork as you work toward common goals and aspirations.

Aquarius: With the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminating your Twelfth House of Spirituality and Surrender, it’s time to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and surrender to the flow of life. Trust in the guidance of your higher self and allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Sixth House of Health and Wellness, focus on making your daily routines more enjoyable and pleasant. Embrace self-care practices that nourish your body and soul and prioritize your well-being.

Pisces: The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights your Eleventh House of Hopes and Wishes, bringing your dreams and aspirations into focus. Embrace the opportunity to release any fears or doubts that may be holding you back and pursue your goals with confidence and determination. Trust in the support of your friends and allies and lean on them for guidance and encouragement. With Venus in Cancer transiting your Fifth House of Creativity and Romance, focus on finding joy in creative self-expression and enjoying life’s pleasures. Embrace your playful and creative side and allow yourself to experience greater happiness and fulfillment in your relationships and pursuits.

Looking for personal insight? Dive deeper into what Summer and Fall 2024 has in store for you, and book a psychic-astrology reading. Whether you’re seeking guidance on love, career, personal growth, or navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of this year, a tailored reading can provide you with the clarity and direction that counts! Don’t forget – I’m also available for regular coaching and parties via Zoom or in person in the Los Angeles area. Drop me a line via email or fill out the form below with any questions!

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