The Full Moon on September 29, 2023, is not just any ordinary one! It’s the Harvest Moon! Being the full moon closest to the autumn equinox, it traditionally provided extra light for farmers to harvest their crops, hence its name. This moon symbolizes a time of fruition, completion, and reaping what we have sown, both literally and metaphorically, inviting us to harvest abundance in various aspects of our lives.

Our last lunation was the New Moon in Virgo, a phase that helped us regain our footing after the challenges posed by Venus’ retrograde. It was a pivotal time for refining our routines and bringing some order to our daily lives. The day following that New Moon marked Mercury turning direct, smoothing out communications and helping us express ourselves more clearly.

Now, let’s shift our gaze to the sky as the Harvest Moon in the fiery sign of Aries lights up our focus on identity and individuality. It brings forth the essential question: Who do you aspire to be? Where Aries is present in our chart, being true to ourselves is key to flourishing and achieving success. It’s a wonderful time to reflect on how you can be more genuine and true to your most authentic self, and in doing so, harvest the abundance that lies within.

This Harvest Moon in Aries is a powerful time for self-discovery and realization. It encourages us to be bold, take initiative, and step into our authentic power. As we bask in its light, we’re encouraged to harvest the lessons learned, embrace our true identities, and move forward with purpose and clarity.

To discover areas of completion in your life and to identify which life area will be highlighted during this Full Moon, determine where six degrees of Aries falls in your astrology chart. Additionally, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: This lunation will transit your First House, highlighting your personality, perception, and the image you present to the world! It’s an opportunity to craft a new personal reality by developing a fresh personality and becoming more truly yourself! Utilize this lunation to explore new hobbies and express your individuality. With Mars in Libra making a harmonious sextile with Venus in Leo in your Fifth House, opportunities to express your joy and love are on the horizon! Over the next few weeks, embracing these energies can lead to a more authentic and joyful you!

Taurus: Happy Full Moon, Taurus! This lunation will transit your Twelfth House, highlighting your subconscious, secrets, and out-of-sight action. You might want to use this lunation to nest and rest, as such a transit requires extra sleep, quietude, and privacy. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Fourth House, domestic bliss and harmonious family relationships are emphasized! Over the next few weeks, nurturing these connections can bring peace and comfort.

Gemini: This lunation will transit your Eleventh House, spotlighting your hopes, dreams, friendships, and community. You might want to use this lunation to network, discover new connections, and enjoy your tribe! With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Third House, communication and social interactions are favored! Over the next few weeks, engaging with others can bring valuable insights and progress toward your aspirations.

Cancer: This lunation will transit your Tenth House, highlighting career advancements and public recognition! You might want to use this lunation to seek new opportunities and shine in your professional life. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Second House, financial gains and career progress are possible! Over the next few weeks, stepping up your game can lead to recognition and rewards.

Leo: This lunation will transit your Ninth House, highlighting adventure and personal growth! You might want to use this lunation to expand your horizons and learn something new. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your First House, self-discovery and personal development are highlighted! Over the next few weeks, exploring new territories can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself.

Virgo: This lunation will transit your Eighth House, highlighting the importance of setting or dissolving boundaries for empowerment! You might want to use this lunation to let go of old paradigms and embrace change. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Twelfth House, spiritual growth and inner peace are emphasized! Over the next few weeks, embracing transformation can lead to empowerment and renewal.

Libra: This lunation will transit your Seventh House, highlighting the opportunity to strengthen or adjust your partnerships! You might want to use this lunation to evaluate and enhance your one-on-one connections. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Eleventh House, social connections and friendships are in focus! Over the next few weeks, fostering these relationships can bring joy and fulfillment.

Scorpio: This lunation will transit your Sixth House, highlighting work, health, and lifestyle! You might want to use this lunation to implement positive changes and increase your efficiency. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Tenth House, career advancement and public recognition are possible! Over the next few weeks, optimizing your routines can lead to success and acknowledgment.

Sagittarius: This lunation will transit your Fifth House, highlighting creativity, fun, and romance! You might want to use this lunation to explore your creative side and enjoy life’s pleasures. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Ninth House, adventure and learning are emphasized! Over the next few weeks, embracing joy and exploration can lead to personal growth and happiness.

Capricorn: This lunation will transit your Fourth House, highlighting home, family, and emotional security! You might want to use this lunation to strengthen your foundations and enhance your emotional security. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Eighth House, transformation and emotional depth are in focus! Over the next few weeks, nurturing your inner world can lead to empowerment and stability.

Aquarius: This lunation will transit your Third House, highlighting communication, learning, and local community! You might want to use this lunation to engage in meaningful conversations and explore new ideas. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Seventh House, partnerships and collaborations are favored! Over the next few weeks, fostering communication can lead to stronger relationships and mutual understanding.

Pisces: This lunation will transit your Second House, highlighting finances, values, and the opportunity to revel in physical well-being! You might want to use this lunation to reassess your financial goals and seek abundance. With Mars in Libra making a sweet sextile with Venus in Leo in your Sixth House, health and daily routines are emphasized! Over the next few weeks, focusing on your well-being and financial planning can lead to prosperity and enjoyment of your physical self.

Make the most of the fall season with a psychic-astrology reading! Check out my Fall Offerings for parties, workshops, classes, and coaching packages! For more information, drop me a line at or fill out the form below. Happy Autumn!

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